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Posts by Aerina
Joined: Dec 20, 2010
Last Post: Dec 20, 2010
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Dec 20, 2010
Undergraduate / "Snapshots; my growth as a person through DECA" for Common App Essay? [3]

I wanted to check my common app essay topic with everyone here very quickly because as I was editing my essay and reading some exemplar essays, I started having some doubts.

My essay in a nutshell is my growth as a person through DECA (a marketing/business association which pushes you to gain confidence & interview/public speaking skills). So my essay talks about me, starting off as a very shy individual, and gradually, through perseverance and a lot of work, becoming more confident, and overcoming my fear of public speaking. The thing is, I tried to write the essay in a slightly unconventional manner; instead of writing the events in chronological order, I used "snapshots".

So I would describe a specific moment, and kind of jump back and forth. For example, I start off with a "snapshot" of my first DECA case study, and how I was a nervous wreck. Then I jump back to a moment in elementary school, when I gave my first presentation in front of the class, and how incredibly nervous I was. Then I jump back to the present, and from then on, it's a series of 'snapshots' detailing my journey through DECA from Grade 10 to now.

I'm wondering now if my essay format will make it difficult for the admissions committee to follow, or if I might just seem silly for doing this. I can easily rewrite it in chronological order.
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