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Posts by banhbichqui_nt
Joined: Dec 21, 2010
Last Post: Dec 22, 2010
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From: Viet Nam

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Dec 21, 2010
Writing Feedback / Describing Bordeaux - France; especially known for its wine [5]

Hello everyone,I'm from Viet Nam. I'm studying in France. I got french baccalaureat,but in learning English,I am the beginner. Therefore,I need your helps. Thank you very much! :)


I am living and studying in Bordeaux,one of four biggest France's cities which is well known on around the world for its long history,its beautiful seens and especially for its wine.

Bordeaux is located in southwest of France,therefore it's wammer than other cities. The first time when I set my foot in Bordeaux,on September,I was feeling so hot. The climate is similar to the climate in Nha Trang,my hometown. But the day is extended to evening: at 8 p.m,it's still sunny. However,winter in Bordeaux is also quite cold. Sometimes,it snows and temperatures down to minus 3 degree celcius. I had problem just like the cold here.

Apart from the climate,infrastructure of Bordeaux also make me amazing and interesting. The streets are modern and their two sides are houses with ancient european architectural style. A famous thing of Bordeaux is Saint Catherine Street,the longest straight walkway of Europe through a prosperous area of many magazines. All trade marks of fashion,perfume,hi-tech product,fastfood,etc...focus here. The Saint Catherine Street is so crowded from Monday to Saturday. In the city,there is a system of tramway with 3 lines A,B,C. They circulate through essential places such as: banks, supermarket, insurance companies,hospitals,universities,etc. It's convenient.

Catching bus to go to the suburbs,J see immense grape fields. Grapes are used for commerce and producing wine. If given chance, I will learn about this famous wine.

Finally,people of Bordeaux are very friendly. I'm living in a residence and everyone say "Bonjour" by smiling when I meet them. That make me feel less homesick.

I love Bordeaux,a city of art and history. I'll never forget the time when I've been here.
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