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Posts by belak6671
Joined: Sep 6, 2008
Last Post: Sep 9, 2008
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Sep 6, 2008
Grammar, Usage / how to synthesize different authors work [4]

I am having a hard time trying to write synthesize several theorists' work into my paper. My assignment is to find theories on motivation and write about it. Research is new for me but I have run across different views/theories of motivation, however when I try to put my words on paper I get stuck trying to add the information. Any advice will do. Thanks
Sep 9, 2008
Grammar, Usage / how to synthesize different authors work [4]

Thanks Gloria,

I have gather information from:

Maslow- hiearchy of needs
Vroom- expectancy theory
McClellan- 3 key behavior influencing motivation
locke, latham- goal setting
Meyer and Allen- commitment in the workplace

I have gather notes but need to put it all together. Please let me know if I am on the right track. I will be sending an outline to get some advice on.

Thanks again

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