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Posts by deschutes23
Joined: Jan 3, 2011
Last Post: Jan 8, 2011
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Jan 3, 2011
Undergraduate / WHY Columbia? "There is no story without a cast of characters." [5]

Hey, the main point of your essay, i feel, should be built upon the first line.

"There is no story without a cast of characters. And at Columbia, the rich and eclectic cast of extraordinary professors and quirky students define the tale that I want to be a part of. Both intellectually and personally, students have an opportunity to define who they are."

And then you digress to the Core Curriculum. I wish that your essay would center around the professors and student community at Columbia. that would really make it connect with the adcom, since it is THE THING that you find unique about the university.

Sorry for the criticism. Hope it helps :)
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