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Posts by chen31
Joined: Jan 5, 2011
Last Post: Jan 5, 2011
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Jan 5, 2011
Graduate / "The physical and chemical properties" - Apply for Materials Science and Engineering [5]

The physical and chemical properties of surface are governed by local electron distribution and charge transfer. If we find a way to manipulate the structure within 10 nanometers at the interface, then we are able to create devices with desirable properties. As a materials science student, this is definitely my ultimate dream. The very first thing I need is more knowledge about the physics "beyond the surface." Of all the fields, I am especially interested in electronic materials, optical materials and materials property characterization.

However, during the past five years, I usually felt short of in-depth understanding toward some professional subjects, and I had to seek help from other departments; that is because materials science and engineering is not an independent area, but a highly cooperative one. So, I am seeking a Ph.D. program which integrates resources from many departments together. I notice that the materials science and engineering program in XXXX matches my desire ideally since she offers students an excellent opportunity to study in a multi-disciplined environment.

Currently, I am a master student in charge of the x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) analysis in the laboratory, and I also participate in the photoemission analysis in the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center in XXXXX. Part of my work is to help the lab examining the quality and interfacial chemical composition of oxide/semiconductor structures. In-situ XPS provides immediate information about quality of the interface and chemical composition inside the thin film. I will speculate on the possible causes of variations in the interfacial properties; and then integrate my observations into a reasonable report for the associated group members. Since our group deals with several kinds of MBE/ALD grown oxide-semiconductor structures, I gain a good sense in materials characterization. In addition to XPS, I also acquired some basic experience in operating in-situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).

Besides practical experience, I also spend a lot of time constructing a rigorous mathematical framework of materials since my undergraduate study. I took several advanced theoretical courses, like Quantum Physics and Solid State Physics; the two courses enabled me to construct a solid, also a mathematical framework of condensed matters. I even choose Applied Mathematics offered by the Department of Physics. The discipline may or may not become the main topic in my future research, but I am confident that the training as well as the background knowledge has shaped me into a qualified Ph.D. student.

XXXX has a strong research background in electronic, magnetic and optical materials. Among all the research groups, I am particularly interested in Prof. XXX's research on utilizing X-ray scattering to probe condensed matter systems; Prof. XXX's and Prof. Fainman's research about nanophotonic devices; and Prof. XXX's work on magnetic materials. The primary goal of these groups fulfill my desire to understanding more about the fundamental physics as well as putting the new materials into application. On the other hand, bio-material is likely to become the next killer application in the 21st century. Therefore, I also plan to expand my interest to bio-materials.XXXX possesses significant achievement in bio-engineering. For example, Prof. XXX's systematic study of animal bones, which shows that they display many desirable mechanical properties due to the special structures. Besides, I am especially interested in bio-sensing devices, like Prof. Sailor's research on tumor sensing nanoparticles. Recently, the government in my home country,XXXXX, announced that biotechnology will be a key industry, so I hope to bring some innovations back to XXXXX after my Ph.D. study.

In summary, I believe that my practical experience and theoretical background knowledge make me a qualified candidate for the Ph.D. program in XXXX; and I would love to try my best to be part of your research program.
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