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Posts by floridakid
Joined: Sep 11, 2008
Last Post: Sep 11, 2008
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From: United States of America

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Sep 11, 2008
Undergraduate / 'full custody off me' - FFSU ESSAY FIRST ATTEMPT [NEW]

Please give me your input be blunt i dont mind..

For almost one hundred years, the Latin words, "Vires, Artes, Mores" have been the guiding philosophy behind Florida State University.

In my opinion Relentless is having enough strength to never give up on myself or my dreams no matter what stands in my way. My dream has always been to be the first person in my family to go to college. I'm confident I can achieve that dream.

Throughout my adolescent life I was raised by my mom but that never has effected me I believe my mom did the best she could with what she had. I was born in Michigan, in 1991 soon after my birth my parents who never married broke-up. My mom had full custody off me but I visited my dad on the weekends, me and my dad never got along and when I was 12 he gave up all parental rights of me so he wouldn't have to pay child support. I haven't seen my dad since then.

In the summer of 2004 my mom decided to move to Florida with her boyfriend of two months. About six months later her boyfriend deserted us in the middle of the night I assume he moved back to Michigan but I'm not sure. So my mom and me were stranded in Florida and she couldn't afford the bills with her job. We struggled for a few months then she got fired and we were living of welfare when she met her next boyfriend. After about two months of dating we moved in with him. That was one of the worst experiences in my life he was an alcoholic and would beat my mom and they would argue till 4 in the morning frequently. Then on the night before my first day of school as a junior my mom and her boyfriend got in a huge fight and he hit her and I was sick of it so I stood up to him and we fought my mom ran out into the street screaming because he had broke all the phones. About fifteen minutes later the cops walked in and found me holding him down in a choke hold, my 12 years of wrestling really paid off. So he went to jail and we got restraining orders on him. My mom then started to rent a house living of welfare and food stamps again life wasn't to fun. But eventually my mom found a new boyfriend and they dated for about four months then she moved to Port Charlotte with him and told me I had to find somewhere to live because she was moving to Chicago with her boyfriend. That's when I finally broke down at wrestling practice, my coaches asked me what was wrong and I told them. The very next day my coach told me I could move in with him and his family I was hesitant at first but I reluctantly went my mom promised to get a job and pay my coach three hundred dollars a month. She still has no job, hasn't sent a dime, and hasn't even called my coach. I'm lucky to have found people as loving and caring as the people I'm living with. My coach has told me over and over he doesn't care if he ever gets any money from my mom that's not why he did this he did it for me. I don't know where I'd be without him and his family.

I realize I haven't had the easiest life and I've had to stay strong to get through the worst but that doesn't bother me at all because one day I know all my hard work will pay off. That is why I believe that the value of "Vires" can best be applied to me. I managed to find the courage and strength to never put my head down. I'm not sure where my education will take me but with my strong determination I have gained I' sure I will go far and would like to fulfill my dreams by attending Florida Sate University.
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