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Posts by jjh11
Joined: Jan 11, 2011
Last Post: Jan 13, 2011
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From: Indonesia

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Jan 11, 2011
Undergraduate / Seattle University - its Jesuit tradition, why a good match? [3]

Why do you feel that Seattle University is a good match with your educational goals?

The first thing that struck me about Seattle University is its Jesuit tradition. Not only is your university located in my favorite place in the world, it has the values I follow as a Catholic - the existence of God, pursing the goals for human personhood, ultimate goals of the human person, and the common good. Having researched Jesuits appreciation, I believe that, as a student with high goals in life needs to interact with theological as well as pastoral studies. This will lead my ability of reflecting it upon my community and spiritual life of fellow students.

"I tell you all these things, that my joy may be yours, and your joy may be complete" (Jn. 15:11). As Jesus makes clear, the way to joy is agape. In relation to Seattle University, it's Jesuit history, religious affiliation and academic beliefs would be a good influence on me as a student with passion, faith and determination to succeed. I am attracted to SU's internationally recognized communication program. In addition, Seattle's local companies such as Seattle Mariners, Fisher Media and plenty of other established broadcasting stations in Seattle will be a perfect challenging environment with opportunities.

Seattle University will help me attain the vision of goodness and dignity that will in the future give rise to my benevolent intentions in my workplace as well as to the community through performance, perception, and passion.

Not only would I have the advantage to learn from fellow students from all over the world with different backgrounds and cultures with Seattle University's diverse community, I will also be able to attend every Sunday obligation along with students sharing the same faith in the Chapel of St.Ignatius and will always strive to make our Christian community larger in size with spreading the word of God to whomever we encounter.

As an international student, one may think that being home sick will be a torture, from the culture shock and being away from family. However, I completely disagree with that saying. I am certain that pursuing my education in Seattle University will open doors that I would have never encountered back home in Indonesia. It will enable me to test my values and develop a sense of responsibility with the values of the Jesuit tradition.
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