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Posts by JaguarKing100
Joined: Sep 25, 2008
Last Post: Sep 26, 2008
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From: United States of America

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Sep 25, 2008
Undergraduate / the gregarious young man to be - admission essay [3]

How would you benefit from and contribute to such an environment with diversity!?!

I have and always will be the gregarious young man that I am today, as long as I am conscious of what it is that I am doing! Family and friends play a vast role in my life because they are always around directing me in the right path. In addition, I grew in an urban community and attended the one and only public high school in the area filled with a diversity of students. As a result, I will find it exceptionally simple to tweak to your university.

During my psychology class last year I learned one of the most important and crucial key factors of group projects. That is to have control and be flexible to new ideas. I would have to say that, that phrase right there changed my life completely because teamwork is about working together and diminishing numerous solutions after critical contemplation down to one. Moreover, I am all about prioritizing. I prefer having everything planned out and set ahead of time that way if anything does not go according to plan; I am ready and not running all around the place.

This past summer I practiced tennis practically everyday so that I would be competent trying out for the team this year. A few days into the school year I realized Holy Lord the saying is true, "You can do anything if you put your mind to it." The saying goes with anything and everything. Because of my determination and perseverance I have won quite a few awards and medals in karate, track, cross country, and wrestling. Perseverance sure pays!

Because I was born in America my parents' countries were remarkably foreign to me as was their languages. My mother is Coptic Orthodox and spoke Arabic while my father is Greek Orthodox who speaks Greek. After a few visits to Egypt and Greece I learned the languages fairly well and I am able to speak them pretty fluently. While I was in Egypt and Greece I was fascinated by their beauties. I also became conscious of the fact of how thankful I should be of the things here in the United States that I take for granted.

During my freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year in high school I was voted student council advisor and as a senior National Honor Society Vice president. I felt extraordinarily content knowing that my classmates trusted me. It certainly helped me expand my interpersonal skills. Also, I not only learned interpersonal skills but at the same time I learned a number of real life factors. For instance, volunteering at a banquet hall I learned how to set up a table and what items went where. This came really handy when I prepared the table the next day for dinner at home.

With the knowledge and experience I learned throughout my lifetime, I will bring these values with me to your university. I will continue to help people in anything, and everything that they may be experiencing problems with and at the same time improve myself to the best of my ability. I will be greatly honored to have Rutgers University accept me as their student. This will connected to my desired major in pharmacy.
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