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Posts by mdfmas499
Joined: Sep 29, 2008
Last Post: Sep 29, 2008
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From: florida

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Sep 29, 2008
Undergraduate / "I am not able to isolate one of three Latin words" - FSU admission essay [NEW]

Looking back on my life, I realized that I am not able to isolate one of three Latin words. However the two that are the most important in my life would have to be "Vires and Mores." Seeing that I value the same things that Florida State University does, I believe that I would be a great addition to the already amazing student body.

"Vires" the Latin word meaning strengths of all kinds - moral, physical, and intellectual. My morals are what keep me grounded. Whether I am staying up all night perfecting my English paper that is due the next day or turning down a movie invitation from my friends because I need to study for a history final, I am able to choose right over wrong because of Vires. Physical strength is one that I hold close to my heart. Although my appearance may not be the typical athletic image, I am dedicated to soccer. I have played soccer since I was five years old and I am the team captain on my varsity high school team. Even though at times I would rather go home and fall asleep instead of going to practice, I know that I have to be a leader to my team and commit myself for being the person my teammates can look up to.

"Mores" is defined as your customs or traditions. Since my family is a mix of German and Scottish I obtain a few traditions that others may laugh at. However beginning able to be apart of these two cultures is, in my opinion, a wonderful thing. My father is first generation American and being able to intertwine his Scottish traditions with my mother's German traditions was quite difficult at first, but of course the challenge was soon conquered. I learned that I would never be able to please anyone 100% of the time, not even my parents. Therefore, I choose which traditions I found most important and altered them to the best of my ability in order to please my family and myself. I hope that I will soon be able to embrace the traditions of the Florida State University holds.
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