Graduate /
Stop Look And Go (topic for micro presentation) [8]
Most of us know the functions of traffic lights around us. The lights indicates when to stop, when to prepare to stop and when we can proceed. Those who do not follows might face consequences of being penalized or most likely, fatal accident.
In my opinion, the SLG ways of control can relates to our life. If practice effectively, it actually plays an important roles in our day to day life. Hence in life, whatever we do, we need to know and understand when to go ahead, when to slow down and when to stop or discontinue.
Another version which resembles the SLG, a more complete and precise is when writing an essay. When writing an essay, we put in a quite a number of symbols ; comma, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark, and so on... Besides words, all these symbols will determine and enhanced the meaning and flow of the essay that we penned down.
Like penning an essay, in the life of notorious and demanding society, it is essential to realized how to slow things down; when to pause and take the next step or action; what is more important; which should be prioritized; why the need to ask questionnaire and enquiries; and when to start a new paragraph for all sort of self-initiative actions.
To me, I feel that the most important one is when and why we need to STOP and then RESTART again. Stop pursuing unrealistic vision and dreams. Discontinue mission that leads you nowhere. Change passage when routes are not materialized. CLOSE the chapter and RESTART a new chapter of LIFE. Well, all the past will only make you wiser, better and stronger.