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Posts by serawit
Joined: Mar 21, 2011
Last Post: Mar 21, 2011
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From: United States of America

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Mar 21, 2011
Essays / "pressure cause some to shut down, it bring out the best in others" - homework [3]

hey guys would u please help me with this assignment? if so here it is :-
" pressure cause some to shut down, it bring out the best in others"
question # 1. do u agree with this statement? what cause the different response?
if you agree or not think of at least two examples of times when pressure brings out the best in others?
# 2. what cause the different response? offer full and complete response.
# 3. describe a time when pressure cause you give up or react poorly and another time when it spurred or you to succeed. what caused you to respond differently?
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