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Posts by fara
Joined: Oct 7, 2008
Last Post: Oct 16, 2008
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From: United States of America

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Oct 7, 2008
Graduate / Essay for Fellowship-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT [5]

Hello everyone!!!

I'm kind of new in this forum and sorry if I did not follow any rules of the forum.

The reason I'm here is right now I'm applying for the Fellowship and need to write two essay one of them about
My experience as a New American.
Indicate, if appropriate, the role of family and other institutions in bringing you to the position you now hold.
Also indicate what activities you have undertaken that might give evidence of creativity, accomplishment, and commitment to the values expressed in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

and second one is about "My major goals for your career and how your education will further them".
since I'm not a native speaker, it seems to me not easy task to do. I don't know from what I need to start, by the way I'm just started my Masters on ITM(Information Technology Management) at University.

The way I see, here we have some professional writers whose help, advise and suggestion could be very helpful to me.
Thank you for all in advance!!!
Oct 16, 2008
Graduate / Essay for Fellowship-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT [5]

Hello, everyone. I just finished my essay and want you to guys take a look at it, if it is possible. is there any suggestions, comments or anything that I need to fix or change??? Thanks for all in advance.

I, first name last name citizen of Country name, and a member of Tanlov, the youth organization of the Democratic Freedom Party of "country name" ("Erk"), was born on October 16, 1985 in city, country. Erk is a democratic party, but the "country name" government has banned membership in Erk. Although the Erk party is officially registered, President Karimov's administration forbids Erk from holding meetings, having access to the media, or participating in elections. And Tanlov is the organization for youth under Democratic Freedom Party of "country name" ("Erk"), the main goal of Tanlov is to mobilize young people in "country name" by distributing political and human right information that the government does not allow the media to report.

I was introduced to Tanlov by my good friend, who was also my university classmate. I was motivated to join Tanlov because my observations of daily life in "country name" convinced me that the "country name" government was totalitarian and that I must stand up against it. Prior to joining Tanlov my access to accurate information about the human rights conditions in "country name" was restricted by the state-controlled media, which to my knowledge did not report the truth about life in "country name" . I knew I was taking some risk by joining Tanlov, but for me, it was a worthwhile risk.

Until I left home and came to the United States, as a member of Tanlov I wrote and distributed articles highlighting the human rights abuses and lack of democratic freedoms in "country name" . I had experienced physical and psychological persecution and abuse by the "country name" government because of my political opposition activities. Eventually, I was granted political asylum on the grounds of political opinion on May 15, 2006 by the United State Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service.

In the year of 2006, I wrote an affidavit in support of nam's application for asylum, another "country name" refugee seeking asylum in the U.S. Result of which, she was granted political asylum by the U.S. government.

On 2007 I moved from New York City to Saint Louis, Missouri to implement my career. Soon after I completed a several classes at the Saint Louis Community College (StLCC), I applied to the Washington University and was accepted in the year of 2008. Now, I am a student at the one of the highest ranked Universities in St. Louis and, building my career to be a successful individual in the future.
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