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Posts by chhournsarandy
Joined: May 6, 2011
Last Post: May 20, 2011
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May 20, 2011
Scholarship / Human resource development in Australia - Scholarship questions [5]

Hi friend! This is the case of mine only. I give you this as an example for you. Please don't try to copy it. It may help guide you to answer on your own answer.

Q5. Solvong challenges? what aspects of our leadership knowledge, skills and practise you consider to be well established and effective, which people you worked with to solve the problem, what creative methods were used?

Through my experience working in the bank in the midst of the global economic crisis, cutting down on staff was a big challenge since those who were last employed had faced a high possibility of losing their jobs. As holding one of the managing roles in the institution, I had come up with an immediate solution which could help cut down on the number of the unemployed. We had to ask our staff to voluntarily low down their salary by 10% each in order to save several other positions. This way, employees would not have been cut down as it should be. Another practical experience working in the bank was that people in the certain department had been using a specific spreadsheet format initially which had not been developed effectively and efficiently in terms of time. When I was introduced to this spreadsheet format, I thought there must be a better way to do it. So I had to sit down the whole morning to figure it out. I finally came up with a master spreadsheet which helped save 3 days of the working time as habitually done for the last 3 years before I joined the team.
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