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Posts by hrnkls
Joined: May 29, 2011
Last Post: May 29, 2011
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From: United States of America

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May 29, 2011
Writing Feedback / An unforgettable survey from my childhood (or "I should be a teacher too") [4]

People have got so many childhood experiences on their life. Some of them can be good and the others can be bad experiences. Now, I want to invite you an unforgettable survey from my childhood.

It was a sunny day, I was dressed very nicely and my bag pack was prepared so good by my mom, yes it was first day of the school and I was going to start the elementary school. I was excited and timid because I did know what I was going to meet. My mom held my hand and took me the school. We entered an amazing gate it was huge , I hadn't seen such a big gate before and there were a lot of students inside I surprised to see so many students and I held my mom's hand strongly. It was heard a bell and all the people gathered in front of the school building. My mom took me the place and I got in line and there were a lot of students like my ages.

A woman, who had black hair, well dressed and she was almost 40 years old, was coming towards my class, she was extremely different from the other people and she stopped by my class and the bell rang, we moved to the our classes with the teachers and that time I realized that she was our teacher and how could I know that this lady could impact on my life so deeply.

And now, we were in the class. There were 20 students and they were all sad because they just left their moms. At the beginning she introduced herself and made a little speech. After this speech all the student realized that the school started and the class took the gloomy atmosphere. Few students started to cry, a little while, some of the others started to cry and this lady interested all the students like their moms. She was so kindly and tender like my mom. During the my elementary school life she was interested in all our needs as our moms. It was the most challenging step of our life may be the hardest one because it was the first time were away from our parents and homes and we did not feel the absence of our mothers during the school life.

In summary, after such a beautiful five years I told myself I should be a teacher like my dear teacher and teach the students. Today, I am a teacher and when school starts I just imagine that my first day of the school and of course my dear teacher.
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