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Posts by Inq Lee
Joined: Jul 1, 2011
Last Post: Jul 1, 2011
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From: Korea, Republic of

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Inq Lee   
Jul 1, 2011
Writing Feedback / agree/disagree - moving to different countries or towns is not good because [3]

An Ongoing debates exists over whether moving to different places is not good because it makes us loose old friends. Some people agree with the assertion on the ground that friends being apart away from each other lead them to infrequent contact with. However, I disagree with it because, in our modern society, the highly developed technology prevents the breach from physical distance.

First, I admit the proverb of out of sight, out of mind. In my case, when I have lived in China, I made many friends on the trip of the province and suburban. They are my valued friends but it was hard to persistently keep in touch with them. However, some of them are contacting with me as always through internet telephone and video chat. Although it is impossible to have food together talking face to face, we still can maintain our friendship without any breach in relations.

Second, living in different places brings us to have opportunities to experience various cultures and life styles. Moreover, we are able to make many friends living different towns. One of my favorite non-fiction movies is about a young couple's story that living all over the world. They usually have lived one country every one year for 10 years so far. In the movie, they mentioned that they realized the meaning of life and nature of happiness through numerous meeting with people and the hard times of adapting new habitats. Not only that, they emphasized that if they didn't decide this trip, their neighbor would be limited to the friends who were living in the next door in their apartment forever.

To sum up, we don't have to be afraid of losing our old friend because we can enjoy high developed communication technology that makes the wide world to one global village. In addition, friends from around the world are waiting for us to have share their cultures and opportunities to be our loved neighbor.
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