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Joined: Aug 25, 2011
Last Post: Aug 25, 2011
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Aug 25, 2011
Undergraduate / Volunteerig - qualites do you posses to contribute to the university community? [2]

No two people are the same and with that being said the quality's that I posses which will allows me to contribute to the university community is simply this I am consistent, and compassionate. I am confident of my ability to blend in with the campus community and make a valuable contribution.When a situation develops where I have to make a fast decision I will make a decisive resolution that would be best suited for everyone in the situation. I'm not one who just blends in with the crowd I like to stand out if anything. So I'll be able to be more unique and bring more to the University than any other.

My popularity also builds on my kindness and compassion for other people and sensitivity to their feelings. I have did a lot of charity work in my past, first volunteering at a day care center, then switching to a Soup Kitchen and working at a hospital to try a hand at my future career. Volunteering at places where people need help gives me a sense of belonging to humanity through meeting the needs of the sick and disadvantaged.
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