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Posts by rlikespink
Joined: Aug 27, 2011
Last Post: Aug 27, 2011
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Aug 27, 2011
Undergraduate / "The impact that my mother has made" - A person who has impacted your life [3]

Write an essay in which you tell us about someone who has made an impact on your life and explain why and how this person is important to you.

At first, I had absolutely no idea who this person was when I was born. Blind and completely oblivious of who and what surrounded me, all I knew was that I was being held by a woman, tight in her warm arms. As I lay in her warmth, nice and cozy, I could feel a bond forming. When she stroked me lightly with her finger tips, I felt a spark, a spark of love flowing into my soul like an electric current. Even as young as being an infant, I knew she was the one, the one who would have impacted my life the most. My role model, my best friend, my mother.

My mother has always been the one I have looked up to, since the day I first laid in her arms. She's done everything she could do to become the successful woman she is today. I honestly have to say, she is the strongest and most independent woman I have ever met. She speaks out words as if she were the first lady of the united states. My mother's words truly inspire me. Sometimes I would wish that the world could hear her motivating words. She's taught me to go far with my life goals, to be successful and to be better than her. Her support is what has helped me keep on going & given me confidence to achieve my dreams.

My mother is a registered nurse and she would always tell me about her patients and the different types of medical problems they would have. Most of the time, I had no idea what she was talking about. We would end up sitting on the couch for 2 hours talking about diseases, disorders, and etc. Conversations like that have made me want to have a career in the medical field. Instead of helping humans though, I've always wanted to help animals. I've always had a huge love for animals. She never really was an animal person but she always told me to do whatever made me happy.

She's always been there for me in the best and worst situations. Whether I was sick with a fever or devastated about my dog's passing, she's always comforted me and made me feel better with her hugs and words. Friend's have always told me horrible stories about their mothers. Never would I have thought people could actually have so much hate and anger towards their parents. My feelings are the complete opposite. I love my mother with all my heart. Also, not to brag or anything, but I really think my mother is the best mother in the world.

The impact that my mother has made is obviously for my own good. I may not agree with her on certain things, probably because I am a teenager and hard headed, but in the end, It is all for the best. She does these things for a reason, not only because I am her daughter, but also her heart and soul. All she wants is the absolute best for me and she has done everything to make it possible. She is the best.
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