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Posts by elenighbinks
Joined: Nov 1, 2008
Last Post: Nov 1, 2008
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Nov 1, 2008
Undergraduate / my leadership skills, UCF I need feed back and grammer checking [NEW]

prompt:What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the UCF community?

"Circle-up, let's stretch!" I yelled to my team, as they jogged towards me. When everyone gathered, a little voice screamed "Wait for me Coach!!" I turned to see Mataya sprinting towards me; she then, jumped into my arms and squeezed me tightly. "Guess what?" she exclaimed, answering her own question, she said, "I'm this many," holding up four little fingers with brightly painted pink nails. "Already?" I teased, "Soon enough you'll be older than I am." "No." She replied giggling. "Since you're four now, can you help me to lead the exercises?" I asked. "I don't want to." She shyly replied. I said, "Well will you stand beside me then?" Giving me a nod of approval, she smiled.

"That was a great stretch you guys! Pick a partner and practice passing." I told my team. I noticed that everyone, but Mataya, had a partner. She was sitting in a patch of dirt playing with sticks. I walked to her and sat down. She looked at me with an empty smile. I broke the silence by saying, "Mataya will you be my passing partner?" Frightened she said, "I can't do it." "Sure you can, I'll even help you." I cheerfully replied. We got a soccer ball and I tapped it to her while saying, "Remember stop the ball by putting your foot on top of it." She stopped the ball successfully, and I told her that, that was really good and to remember to kick the ball with the inside of her foot. "I know, I know." She replied as she kicked the ball, with perfect aim, towards me. "That was GREAT!!" I complimented her.

After that drill, I dividing the players to play a short game, each team had six kids. I stood in the middle of the field, soccer ball in hand, and blew my whistle. I backed away from the ball that I placed on the field as each kid chased after the ball except Mataya; who chased after me. "Coach where are you going?" she asked as she grabbed my hand. "I'm going to stand with your mom okay?" I said as I looked into her disappointed brown eyes. She sat on the field declaring that she wouldn't play unless I did. When I agreed, she sprung up, grabbed my hand, and chased the ball. She maneuvered the ball from Ethan, and headed toward the goal. When she realized that holding my hand was holding her back, she let go of my hand and scored a goal. Even if she didn't know it then, her biggest success was letting go of my hand. It taught her that she could do anything. Ultimately, Mataya taught me a lesson too because of her, I have the ability to reach my goals and the knowledge to let go of things holding me back. With that ability, I will utilize my leadership skills without feeling insecure, and I will continue to better myself as a person to contribute to my community.
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