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Posts by rejinger
Joined: Sep 17, 2011
Last Post: Sep 18, 2011
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Sep 18, 2011
Letters / 'research achievements of Infection and Immunity' - motive letter for Phd fellowship [NEW]

Dear member,

I am new to this website and I am eager to pursue my PhD study abroad. I really hope, anyone can suggest me on my motivation letter below. Thanks before.Rejinger!\

I apply for a XX Fellowship because of the international and widely visible research environment, and the most important, the great research achievements of Infection and Immunity section, and their research field which is my most interesting. From speaking with my classmates who study in Germany now, I am confident of being able to achieve expert knowledge and success there.

I got the master degree of microbiology from XX University in Country A in July 2009. I work as a Research Microbiologist for preclinical study in XX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. which focused on new antibiotic drug discovery from then on.

During my work, I am learning a lot about pathogenic microorganism infection and R&D of new antibiotic. I am responsible for in vitro and in vivo activity evaluation and preclinical study of compounds, and Structure-Activity Relationship database update and take parts in prepare application materials for (S)FDA.

Serial compounds (XX, XX and XX) with different mode of action and antibacterial spectrum are developing. We try to identify the mechanism of resistance and action based on biology and chemistry methods for our research. So I am seriously considering specializing in pathogenic microorganism and its infection. I am keenly interested in acquiring more knowledge and practical skills in this area, especially in the taking of mode of action/resistant and infection. I want to learn much and pay attention to these fields in my free time, such as infection and immune, antibiotic resistance, intracellular activity of antibiotic and biofilm.

During My mast degree study, my research focused on molecular mechanism of early flowing of Purple Flowering Stalk. I also did research about expression, purification and activity assay of antibacterial peptide etc. Molecular biology, microbiology and biochemistry technologies were used in these studies. Most importantly, the ability of research independently and research complex gene regulation network were improved. After working as a Research Microbiologist for R&D of antibiotic in an international company for more than 2 years, I learned a lot of knowledge about microbe infection and antibiotic and related methods. It also has helped me to develop good organizational skills, stress-resistance, ability to perform several tasks simultaneously, problem-solving and improve scientific written and verbal communication skill in English. These studies and work experiences provided me with a broad view which is useful in molecular microbiology and related research.

Doing a doctoral thesis is always in my professional goals. I would hope to being given the opportunity to learn a great deal about microbe infection and immune at GSLS in Germany which is my favorite country and their people are kindly and rigorous. It is my hope to learn more about these fields in other countries, and to experience other methods of research about microbiology and different lab culture.

I apply for the PhD position about "xx" in Germany to learn much about molecular microbiology. ...(My ideas about this field)
I can start my PhD study immediately. For my experience in microbiology, molecular biology and pathology, I can start research in these fields fast. I will continue to pay attention to the researches about this project. I really hope to join your team to study and research in your lab.
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