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Posts by paigemeyers
Joined: Sep 26, 2011
Last Post: Sep 26, 2011
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From: United States of America

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Sep 26, 2011
Undergraduate / 'influenced by my two elder sisters (teacher / school worker)' - FSU [NEW]

The essay is an important part of your application. It assists the University in learning about you as an individual, independent of your academic grade point average, test scores, and other objective data. Your essay should be no longer than 500 words.

Florida State University is more than just a world-class academic institution preparing you for a future career. We are a caring community of well-rounded individuals who embrace leadership, learning, service, and global awareness. With this in mind, which of these characteristics appeal most to you and why?

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Florida State University is an internationally recognized teaching institution committed to preparing graduates for the ever-expanding opportunities of a global society. FSU deserves the right to accept only the best of all applicants. I am motivated to be selected as a truly fortunate FSU student open to pursue my passion; a degree in early childhood education.

I was positively influenced early in my life by my two elder sisters who have chosen careers as a teacher and as a school social worker. They both have demonstrated to me their life passion of positively influencing the lives of the students they teach and council. I have been fortunate to have many other educators in my large yet immediate family that have instilled the importance and rewards that teaching students provide. The influence of my sisters made it clear to me very early in my life that I also want to become a teacher. In my academic life I have always studied hard and have been willing to put forth the extra effort knowing that life rewards can be achieved from the high scholarly expectations I placed on myself. The value of hard work has been taught to me by my parents who didn't benefit from a college education but have stressed the importance and value a degree will afford me.

I believe education is not only the building block for the future, but it also provides us the knowledge of the world around us. It develops a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have views on everything in life. I believe education is in hands of our children and they are the future of our society. I want to make a difference in the education world by teaching and challenging students that will guide them into leading a very productive life. I believe that the educational surroundings one is in while growing up molds their character to a certain extent. Everyone has that one or even a few teachers that they will never forget because of the immense impact they left behind. My English teacher, Mrs. Brix taught me that there is always a way to make learning enjoyable for the diverse sector of the student population.

A career in education will allow me many things in life. I certainly will have an ongoing opportunity to demonstrate the characteristics of embracing leadership, learning, service, and global awareness.

Leadership to me is such an important attribute, one that truly evolves as an individual matures thru life. In High School as a class officer and in my daily interactions I have understood the importance a leader possesses.

My passion will lead to my future as a well respected educator who is respected by current and former students as well as their parents. I want to demonstrate to others the importance that learning truly has on life, while providing continual service to the community I will work in. As an educator it also will be my responsibility to be cognizant of diverse global issues especially the impact towards the students I teach and influence.
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