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Posts by pen_and_pencils
Joined: Nov 8, 2008
Last Post: Dec 6, 2008
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Nov 8, 2008
Essays / Why do villains sin? - essay help [6]

The essay title is:
"Why do villains sin?"
Base on three modern literature (movies, books, poems).

Essay outline:
1. introduction: define "villains"

2. "the dark knight"
- Joker sin out of whim; for no reason at all (for pleasure)
- Harvey Dent sin after crises (death of his wife)

3. "Harry Potter"
- Voldemort - pure evil, family background, personality
- Snape - the circumstances

4. "Death Note"
- Kira - out of goodness, given unlimited power (super power), corrupted mindset, personal interest

write about 3000 words

This is for my HKAL Literature in English portfolio.
I need some advice. Are the modern literatures relevant? I need more points!
Thanks =)
Nov 9, 2008
Essays / Why do villains sin? - essay help [6]

Thanks for your advice.

The Grinch in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" destroys Christmas because of his unpleasent childhood experience, right? not just coldheartedness and selfishness... is it correct?

i will use "the dark knight" and "harry potter" for sure... still deciding on the third one... =)
Dec 6, 2008
Essays / Why do villains sin? - essay help [6]

hey gloria,
i've decided to use the Dark Knight and Harry Potter for the essay. Thanks for your help =)

Here are my points:

Reasons for sinning
1. Evil Nature
2. Circumstances - lost of loved ones / Unhappy past
3. Temptation of power/ feel powerful
4. Jealousy
5. No explanation / no definite reason

Points to explore:
a) Villains do not take a permanent form (transformation)
Villains -> good
Good -> villains
Villain-> no reasons (whim)
b) Being cursed, despised -> enjoy it despite others' disapproval
c) Result: win /lose - What does this implies?
sometimes winning or losing doesn't matter
sometimes the villain appears to lose, but actually they have won

I am thinking weather Snape is a villain... it is quite contradictory...

are there any points to add?
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