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Posts by jedeles
Joined: Oct 21, 2011
Last Post: Oct 21, 2011
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Oct 21, 2011
Graduate / Teacher changing careers to physical therapy-- PT application essay [2]

Which personal characteristics and motivating factors have led you to pursue the profession of physical therapy?

Jamie had a history of stealing, hitting, and having negative thoughts towards herself. These behaviors got in the way of her ability to apply her intellectual capabilities. By teaching her appropriate communication skills, anger management techniques, and positive self talk I was able to motivate her to care about herself and take her school work seriously. This was a turning point in my career because I recognized the power of my motivational skills. The thing I enjoyed most about being a teacher was help others. After being in the profession for six years I realized that I was neglecting my life-long passion of learning and working with the body. I recognized my desire for a career that allowed me to use these one-on-one skills along with my interest in physical health. My past and current experiences, as well as my character traits are what motivated me to pursue the profession of physical therapy.

After earning my bachelor of science in physical education and a minor in health I started my first job as a K through 5th grade health education teacher. A part I particularly enjoyed about this position was being able to teach students about the body and how to take care of it. As the economy began to decline I saw the need to broaden my resume by becoming certified to teach classroom subjects. After three years of teaching health education I earned my classroom teacher certification and started teaching fourth grade. I was excited to have my own class of students for the entire year. I thrived on motivating the students to find a passion for learning and caring for themselves. As much as I enjoyed teaching my fourth grade students I missed learning, teaching, and working with the body. Although, I thoroughly enjoyed having a classroom of students it was during this time that I realized that I could make the most impact one individual at a time; as I did with my student, Jamie. As my husband entered graduate school the opportunity became available for me to change careers. I wanted something that allowed me to help people, one-on-one, work with the body, and that allowed me to use my motivational skills.

Considering my past experiences I started researching possible professions that met my desired criteria. Physical therapy quickly rose to the top of my list. I started talking with individuals who either were related to a physical therapist and/or had been treated by one. After getting positive feedback, I started observing a physical therapist in an outpatient clinic. After the first day of observation I knew that physical therapy was the perfect profession for me. I currently shadow physical therapists in outpatient, geriatric rehabilitation, and pediatric settings. By having a variety of settings I am able to see different aspects of the profession. The things that I am observing excite me because the profession presents many challenges that are followed by rewards. For example, at the pediatric facility I am observing at I have seen a six month old infant with down-syndrome go from not being able to hold her head up while laying on her belly, to being about to hold it up. It seems like a basic skill, but for the infant and her parents it was a tremendous success. I want to be in a profession like physical therapy that allows me to work individually or in small groups with children and adults to help them achieve the same successes. This motivating factor has helped me recognize my personal attributes that will allow me to be a successful physical therapist.

Along with my past experiences I have personal traits that will allow me to thrive as a physical therapist. I am an excellent listener, a patient, caring, and an understanding individual. As I talked with one of the physical therapists I observed, he told me that you often have to "get inside" the patients head to help them out. This is very similar to many of my experiences with students. For example, while I was observing him he was working with a patient who was not trying very hard with his exercises. The physical therapist stopped the exercises and took the time to figure out what the issue was with the patient. By talking with the patient and listening to what he had to say the physical therapist was able to help him reach his treatment goals. He used his professional expertise along with an interpersonal touch to the situation. This made me recognize that my ability to listen will be valuable as a physical therapist. Physical therapy involves physical, social, and emotional aspects of the body.

Along with being a consummate professional and an expert in the field a physical therapist must be patient, caring, and understanding. I saw this when I was observing at a geriatric rehab facility. Many of the patients in this setting lacked confidence in their ability to complete the exercises. The physical therapist and her assistants had to use a firm, yet caring tone with the patients. By doing this they showed the patients that they knew they were capable of completing the task and that they wanted them to get stronger and healthier. These are skills I developed and used as a teacher, everyday. I had to show my students that I cared about them and their success by being firm, yet patient and caring with them. My ability to utilize these traits are factors that encouraged me to pursue physical therapy as a career.

My past experiences as a teacher, my current observation experiences, and my character traits are all factors that motivated me to pursue a profession in physical therapy. I am excited to become part of a profession that still allows me to help others while pursuing my passion of working with and learning about the body.
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