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Posts by hannahtran123
Joined: Oct 22, 2011
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Oct 22, 2011
Undergraduate / The act on divorcement; my mother is the most incredible woman [3]

The Act on Divorcement

Who would have thought that a divorced woman can be capable of raising five children on her own? Normally, it's not surprised to face the crowd inspect a single mother as a loafing woman having disobedient kids and living unmanageably. However, in my situation, there is only a self-governing mother, who confidently keeps going on her path by her beliefs and most significantly, who keeps sustainable faith in her kids and in whatever she does.

Every single day in my childhood was so unimaginably darkened. My parents divorced when I was little. Sadly, they quarreled all day long, started from little things like a rumpled shirt. It was difficult for my mom as well as for me to make decisions leading to a broken family. But that was the only choice I had to do in order to see my mom suffered less.

I felt inspired to talk about divorce even though it is a sensitive subject to bring up because it evokes such strong emotions from people who have been affected. Some people see themselves or their loved ones are victims of divorce. Some people see divorce as evidence of failure. This way or another, divorce alternatively leads to a negative effect. Whereas, my mother finds it benefit from the separation.

My mother is fully responsible for me and my other siblings. She has never being hesitating to anything when it comes to us. All she does is offering a countless number of opportunities for me to attain my goals in education and in anything I follow. In return, my effort will become the engine to drive her stronger, more confident and more challenging. I just cannot ask more of her except if she spent more time for herself. She is the founder of my success. She generates my success. She is my success.

According to Urban dictionary, divorce wasn't meant to be foundered but it was said to be unavoidable. We all dream about living in a happy family where parents are successful in their careers and their children achieve high compliments in school. But in realistic, life does not always flow smoothly like a river.

Jack Handey has quoted: "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." No one can make judgments on other people's action unless they gather sufficient evidence to prove it. Likewise, children whose parents are divorced often receive wrong interpretation about their manner of conducting themselves. However, most of the people, for instance, my friends I know in high school who get involved in divorcing circumstances come out to be very challenging with life and perform their traits as the most valiant and most confident.

Please help me review and edit my essay. I'd be very appreciated.

To me, my mother is the most incredible woman that I'm always glad to be born from. Every single day of my life remained; I will look at her self-assurance, her never-stop spirit and her eternal power to inspire my weakness.

My mother has adjusted her life well through divorcement by using her bravery and confidence. By making decision on divorcing, it becomes a positive turning point in her life. As a daughter of my mother, I am very fond of happiness to see how strong she stands up again after failing and how she allows herself to attain success in life because she deserves it. This is said to make an ethical approach when people pursuit to judge children and their parents.
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