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Posts by heba
Joined: Oct 28, 2011
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Oct 28, 2011
Writing Feedback / Sat: Creativity is like eating and respiration for people. [2]

assignment: Is creativity needed more than ever in world today ?

Essay .

creativity is now needed more than ever.Actually,it's so essential now days - for individuals and public too.creativity become the most important element for our survival today.

particularly, Everyone now needs to improve his ability to creative . he needs to be more creative. Employers now are looking for the creative people. Anyone now can join a university ,and then graduate from it . So,there're no differences among all people.But creativity can differentiate between people. it can give one better qualifications ,and so better chances.

Many companies now accept only the creative employee . One who will create new developments for their products.
Steven Jobs is good model for creative people. we can learn from him more .he is the one who determine to change the world by his creativity. And actually , he did so . No doubts that our life would be so different -and dull too- without Apple sets.

Generally, the whole world need more creativity than any time before. As the world's population is increasing by millions everyday.So,it's imperative now to gain more creativity and think about creative solutions for our needs.

Scientists are working on finding new environmental resource to serve our needs. Because one day all these non-renewable resources will finish and become unable to serve our needs . So we need to use creative resources instead of them Like :Solar energy and Nuclear energy. without this creative solutions, we will not be able to keep alive. New generations will also blame us for being stupid and finishing all natural resources.

As result of all that , Creativity one day will become like eating and respiration for people . it'll be an element for survival, I think So. Every one on this planet will have to think creatively not only to achieve his own personal needs ,but also to achieve the universal needs. Finally, Creativity is only solution to us to keep alive .and to face the life challenges.
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