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Posts by momid
Joined: Nov 19, 2011
Last Post: Nov 29, 2011
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Nov 24, 2011
Writing Feedback / 'save money to buy luxury items' - TOEFL Essay [5]

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Everybody needs money to live in this World. We cannot live without earning money. We need money to buy food, to buy clothing, and to have a place to live. Some people think it is better to spend your money when you earn it; while others disagree. As far as I am concerned, people should save their money for some time in the future for two important reasons.

First of all, people should save some money for emergencies. You should have some money in your hands if you need it. It is very hard for a person to get money from their friends or from their relatives when they really need it. For instance, my aunt was diagnosed with cancer and she was admitted in the hospital. Unfortunately, she did not have any money and her treatment required a large amount of money. My cousins literally begged with their relatives and friends to borrow some money, but no one was able to help. So this example proved that people should save some money in case of an emergency. According to the New York Times magazine survey, virtually 85% of people believed that saving money is essential for their future needs.

Second of all, people should save money to buy luxury items. You need money to live a good life because money is required to buy a custom made house, to buy a brand name car, or to buy more advanced appliances. For example, in my own experience, one of my friends saved a huge amount of money and she just bought a custom made house. She told me that she was saving this money for many years. Also, she cut down many expenses and tried to save as much as she can. After all this effort she was able to buy a big house. They almost paid off the mortgage because of their savings. One recent study revealed that many people are really careful about their expenses so they can secure their future.

To sum up, although some people like to spend money right away, I believe that we should save money for future usage. Not only will it help in emergencies but also you will be able to buy whatever you want to buy.
Nov 29, 2011
Writing Feedback / 'save money to buy luxury items' - TOEFL Essay [5]

Hi deepa,
thanks for your feedback.i checked your essay. custom made is a correct word. we use this word in America when we made something by ourselves.

1-everyone is one word.
2- enjoy not enjoy's
3- if there is some money we saved then we can use it for our luxuries.
4- They can spend this money to give a good life to their families.
5-basic needs.
6- first of all.
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