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Posts by jungsuzy
Joined: Nov 22, 2011
Last Post: Nov 23, 2011
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Nov 22, 2011
Undergraduate / My personal quality - Curiosity. [4]

Still a very rough draft, but please critique as much as possible! Thanks!

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

"Curiosity killed the cat" was a proverb I often heard when I was young. For as long as I can remember, I was the type of person who would venture off the main subject. I was the type of person who would start on one idea and expand to another. I was curious about everything. I used to think that being too inquisitive would often waste time. However, as I grew older, I found that curiosity does not always "kill the cat". With curiosity comes open-mindedness and acceptance to new experiences, and through my constant exploration, I was able to discover what I was truly interested in - sociology.

Whenever my teachers would assign me a research paper, I would always find myself indulged into something entirely different. When researching for my paper, I would suddenly research a different topic. It led from one idea to the next. I would then find myself reading about the history of countries. After, I would begin reading about their traditions and cultures. The way their cultures differed from mine was what interested me the most. I found it puzzling; it left me questioning more and more about other countries.

I took my interests to the next level and joined different clubs at my school, one of which included the Chinese Culture Club. The club exposed me to new and different experiences that I was unable to do because reading limited me to do so. Upon joining the club, I decided to venture to another culture - Korean culture. As I researched more about Korea, I found their traditions and pop culture very exciting to me. I was engrossed. My enthusiasm towards learning about Korea expanded. I went from learning about Korean food to watching Korean shows and movies. Most importantly, I learned about Korea's social issues and how it has affected their society. One issue that was most prominent in my eyes was how teenagers perceived suicide. Most Korean students suffer from the overbearing pressure from their parents to succeed well in school. Some students can't handle the pressure, and to them, the only solution seems to be death.

After learning about Korea's society and how they differed from the society I live in, I realized how ignorant I was about the issues of other countries. My inquiries allowed me to fathom the idea that different countries have different problems. My inquiries allowed me to understand what subject I was most intrigued about. With my open-mindedness and acceptance to new experiences, I've learned that I was interested sociology. Some may say curiosity leads to wasting time; however, this personal quality makes me proud because it leads to discovery and new encounters. Some people believe that "curiosity killed the cat", but while venturing off, I've come to learn that "satisfaction brings it back."
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