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Posts by corrales08
Joined: Nov 23, 2011
Last Post: Nov 23, 2011
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Nov 23, 2011
Undergraduate / 'Spanish language and serving in my community and school events' - Rutgers [NEW]

Essay: Rutgers University is a vibrant community of people with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. How would you benefit from and contribute to such an environment? Consider variables such as your talents, travels, leadership activities, volunteer services, and cultural experiences. Only personal essays submitted via our website will be considered. You may enter a maximum of 4000 characters including spaces.

My name is Matthew and I'm a Hispanic senior at Hawthorne High school, New Jersey. I am Interested in attending Rutgers University in Newark because of the variety of majors you offer to undergraduate students, which is helpful when wanting to come in as an undecided major. I believe Rutgers University will not only offer me a higher level of education, but it will offer me knowledge of different cultures and the people and will provide me with the programs to participate in. If I was accepted to go to Rutgers, there would be many ways that I could contribute to its environment and to everyone around it such as: serving in my community and school events, and the knowledge of a second language.

Since the day I was born to the age of 15, I did not feel it was necessary to spend my time for others. So I didn't until I came upon an experience that made me become more mature. I became aware of the importance of giving back to ones society. When I was 15 years old, I had to do my confirmation in the Catholic Church. In order to do this, I had many steps to go through. One of the steps that were the most influential to me was doing a service project. The service project really influenced me in helping others. My group chose to help an animal shelter who was short in food to feed their animals. Our group got together in front of a stop n shop and collected money, animal food, and any other pet products the shelter was in need.We were very successes full in collecting a lot of money and products that were very helpful for the shelter. We ended up filling up all their shelves and cabinets with everything that was collected and they were very thankful for our help. From this Experience I had matured in all aspects of my life not only was I smarter, happier and more established but I also respected others around me. I was a different person after that day and found the importance of volunteering so I kept volunteering everywhere I could such as in school. Overall from the change at the age of 15 to now, it has altered my views on community service and if I was accepted to the university I would be able to continue volunteering in the many programs that are offered to the students, and also make others aware of its importance

Another way that I could contribute to the university is my cultural background. I am a bilingual teen, born in the U.S and raised by two Costa Rican parents. I'm able to speak, read, and write both languages. Having the knowledge in two different languages is really important because now a day there's millions of diverse people out there speaking different languages. Rutgers is a university who wants to bring in more cultural diverse groups so I think I'll play a good part in this. In my junior year of high school, I took Spanish III with the rest of my class. I thought this was an easy A, but for the others it really wasn't. In the beginning of the year I would always get bored and fall asleep. So to stop doing that, my teacher assigned me with a couple partners every week, to teach and help them to understand what we were learning in class. Having a good understanding in Spanish, I was able to help my class mates a lot. At first I thought I was going to suck, but I really didn't mind it because I was able to get closer to my class mates and use my second language for an educational reason. I can take all of this and bring it with me to college.

would you be able to proof read it and let me know of my mistakes and how i can finish the essay and make it better
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