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Posts by bammsamm
Joined: Nov 27, 2011
Last Post: Nov 27, 2011
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From: United States of America

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Nov 27, 2011
Undergraduate / 'innocent and playful world' - UC what world do I come from? [2]

I was born into a world that was innocent and playful; every creature and object was mine to behold, every person was mine to adore me, and every experience was mine to create and remember forever.

Throughout my life, my parents have faced a hard time staying in one place because of financial problems, and I never enjoyed the company of friends for very long. Consequently, I spent little time with friends, but I grew very close to my family; my mother, on her own at the age of 15, knew many hardships and taught me important lessons that I live by everyday. My father, working exhaustingly as a mechanic to give us a home, taught me the importance of an education to my future and how hard work can bring success no matter what you begin with. Everyday they pushed me to excel in education so I could one day live a life free of the burdens of poverty they knew all too well. I saw our lives full of obstacles, but through it all they remained strong to overcome each one for my brother and I. They taught me that anything could be accomplished with willpower, and because of them, I strive everyday to better myself in my mind and in my heart.

In my loneliness, I had to find ways to amuse myself, and because of this, I found an astonishing love for nature, for how the pieces of the universe fit perfectly to create such magical life. In one home surrounded by hundreds of acres of wild, untouched land, I found myself in an enchanted forest. I spent days on end lifting rocks and logs, uncovering fantastic creatures that sometimes slithered instead of walking and even once revealing small vulnerable eggs containing beautiful, precious life. Every living thing was a remarkable source of passion and love. Because of my early ardor for nature, I have grown older with a curiosity and infatuation for the science of life and one day will go into a wonderful career in science that I will enjoy and learn from everyday.
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