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Posts by BigBoss
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Dec 2, 2011
Book Reports / Othello essay (the dramatic significance of the handkerchief) [NEW]

Could somone tell me what they think of it please. Thanks.

Explain the dramatic significance of the handkerchief, within the play.

The handkerchief is significant in the plot of Othello, Influencing and effecting multiple characters in the play. It is pivotal in the plot arguably being the final hit on Othello's dignity ultimately causing his inevitable downfall. The handkerchief can also be seen as the tool of destruction that Iago cruelly uses to initiate the final part of his evil plan.

The handkerchief represents many different things for many characters in the play. We see it represent to Othello his love of Desdemona being his first gift to her and later in the play representing his suspicion of Desdemona in regards to her fidelity. The handkerchief is hugely significant with Othello as we see him view it as true evidence of Desdemona affair with Cassio. He once saw it as a symbol of faith and love and with Desdemona losing it and in his thinking given it to Cassio, he sees it as an ultimate betrayal almost as in giving away her handkerchief she has gave away her body to another man.

To Othello the handkerchief is hugely significant in being a link to his past, It was given to him by his mother and he sees it as being magic and hundreds of years old given to his mother by an Egyptian, He says it was woven by a 200 year old sibyl using silk from sacred worms and dye from the hearts of mummified virgins. This gives us the impression of the handkerchief being of the utmost important to Othello and being sacred. With Desdemona losing something he sees as so sacred it is again significant in showing us how Othello comes to killing Desdemona.

The handkerchief is hugely significant in the fact it could be argued that it was Iago's main tool of destruction, His ocular proof of Desdemona's unfaithfulness which Othello demands. The handkerchief reiterates how clever Iago is, In the fact that he thinks up a way of using it for his destructive plan immediately, But it also shows us again of how evil Iago is, And how with no remorse he can use a simple thing to completely destroy someone. The handkerchief is also significant in the fact as it allows Iago to proceed on with the final part of his plan, And it could be argued with how easy he convinced Othello, He could have faith on his side.

In regards to Desdemona the handkerchief is significant in the fact it was her first from Othello. She cherishes it and is a symbol of there love, We see her kissing it, Using it as a substitute to Othello when he is not around, As well as treating it as a child would to a comfort blanked, This shows us how much the handkerchief means to Desdemona and how she trully cherishes and appreciates it. Othello tells her the handkerchief has magical properties, He says if it is lost the person would fall out of love. This is significant as you can see Desdemona truly worried by this, Becoming scared. The talk of its magical properties is too much too handle for Desdemona, She seems to accept what Othello says as the truth. This shows her to be superstitious. The handkerchief also showcases Othello's changing attitude to things, In the first parts we see Othello rational but during these scenes we see Othello superstitious believing in magic and it could be argued we are seeing Othello's primitive beliefs for the first time in the play, which remained hidden earlier in the play.

Futher more the handkerchief also gives us a rare insight into the relationship between Emilia and Iago. We see Emilia pick up the handkerchief which her husband so desperately wanted. We see Iago talking down upon Emilia until he is presented the handkerchief, Which he demands. We see this as the only time in the play he thanks her, Suggesting to us he only cares for people if they have something to offer him, but still we see Iago's rather sexist and belittlement attitude towards women when he forcible kisses her. The handkerchief draws attention to the fact that Emilia has a need to please her husband, The behaviour Iago exhibits towards her in turn makes her be appreciated by Iago, Something she isn't used too.

Finally It could be argued that the handkerchief is significant in the fact that in a way it takes up a life of its own. The handkerchief helps us understand characters, aswell as giving us a more clear and defining view of certain characters. For example exposing Othello's primitive beliefs. The handkerchief as a character would, when interacting with characters its makes us forms opinions and feelings of them, For example we become annoyed with Emilia for giving in to Iago's demands as well as betraying Desdemona, We also become frustrated with Othello in the way he has been so easily mislead by Iag. This is all down to the part the handkerchief plays when in interaction with the characters.
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