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Posts by bradyshair25
Joined: Dec 4, 2011
Last Post: Dec 4, 2011
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From: United States of America

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Dec 4, 2011
Undergraduate / 'The Visit That Changed It All' - Why GWU [2]

Good essay, I think that you used examples of "interested" too many times in the sense where you are trying to tell us the only two things that you were interested in are ... But then later wrote again, most important.. then aspired.. i just felt you kept going on after mentioning that this is what "changed it all"...

im no professional, but after reading it, i was confused as to which of the experience really "changed it all" ... it can be all of it, i guess re-word it differently?

Sorryyy :( thanks for reading this. Good luck!
Dec 4, 2011
Book Reports / Abstract on "Coach and athlete intrinsic motivation" [2]

Hello All, thanks for taking your time to help me. I am very weak in writing and can always use feedback to improve.

The relationship between a coach and an athlete is very significant to improve an athlete's intrinsic motivation towards their preferred sport. With many demands in the sport environment, the coach and athlete relationships needs to be consistent, involved, persistent, communicative, goal-oriented, supportive and healthy to obtain a long-term essential, significant intrinsic motivation attitude between each other and towards the sport. In the articles raed, competence, relatedness and autonomy were further studied to obtain information about improvements intrinsic motivation in the athletes. The studies found that when an athete is autonomy-supportive and competent, it does benefit both self-determined extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation therefore a positive coach and athlete relationship is developed.

Thank you!
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