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Posts by sauravzhere
Joined: Dec 19, 2011
Last Post: Dec 31, 2011
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Dec 31, 2011
Undergraduate / "Orange Candy Cravings formed my Destiny" personal essay [2]

"Orange Candy Cravings formed my Destiny"
Money and I, we grew up together. Although, money didn't actually develop much in size, its value for me augmented year after year ever since I started taking interest in it. The first time I met "money", it was in the form of a 50 paisa coin which could buy me enough candies to satisfy my cravings for the whole day. Thus, in those days the value of money for me was indeed only few "orange" candies which were all that coin could get for me. Though from that day onwards, its value for me has risen from those simple "orange" candies to much sophisticated entities such as sky scrapers, bullet trains, and jumbo jets, its appeal and glory stills remains intact with me till this date.

First of all, it wasn't at all about "the dream of being rich" which engrossed me towards money. It was rather the huge purchasing power of 7cm×18cm piece of paper that fascinated me. How could that small piece of paper be as important as the huge bar of chocolate, when I can eat that delicious bar, but can't chew the paper? And then, if it's so important, why doesn't the government print tons and tons of these notes to make sure that poverty never gets to raise its ugly head? These were questions that would pop up in my mind throughout my childhood and now, when I walk out of the high school gate I realize that although most of those questions have been answered, the desire to learn more deeply about it, its power, principles and impacts has grown even more and that's why for me, the process of learning must go on.

I still remember my first Economics class when my high spirits were briefly dampened after my teacher expatiated about the A-level Economics syllabus. I realized how little I knew about money which I had been admiring ever since my childhood. It was in those Economics classes where I came to know about the theories about money that run this entire world. I learnt that Economists through "Macro" and "Micro" economics study about the complex world economy which includes nearly everything from the price of a chewing gum to the global impact of the trillions of dollars worth American budget. Slowly and gradually, I realized in my high school that, I had developed a deeper fascination in not only money but in all those Economics' subjects such as inflation, unemployment, recession, economic boom and so on. I realized that my future goal was set which was to study Economics further and deeper, and conduct research on various economic phenomena.

My deep interest in Economics also coincides with the fact that I feel myself to be more of a curious kind of person. Though my childhood queries on real world subjects have been vanished to the greatest of the extent, my habit of looking out of the window and searching for the answers to the unasked questions hasn't still been jeopardized. It hasn't been long since I gazed out at the newspaper wondering whether the present economic turmoil could be perished through my understanding of the world economics. Time has passed away, but my priorities haven't. My quest for unbounded knowledge has nevertheless aggravated lots of people around me but still my inclination for the information outside the hard covers of the book hasn't still burdened the life out of me. Although not innate, this engrossed desire for economics has certainly turned me into an even thoughtful human being.
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