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Posts by pancake5
Joined: Dec 31, 2011
Last Post: Dec 31, 2011
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Dec 31, 2011
Undergraduate / 'the wrestling season' - Princeton supplement [2]

Throughout my life I have had many people influence me. A lot of who I am today is from my mother and father, but one person that has influenced me a great deal would be my high school wrestling coach. He has always pushed me to become the best I can be in athletics, academics, and in life. He has shown me and others that anything can be achieved through hard work and determination.

Every day during the wrestling season I get to see him go to work. He puts us through the best possible drills to help us improve each day. He even jumps in and wrestles with us. Out of the season he holds open mats twice a week for wrestlers to come in and work on specific skills. He is very dedicated, and also open to talk about anything. He also has two kids and a wife, and is the high school geometry teacher.

He is a great example of someone I try to model myself after. He does his best at everything and teaches me and others that anything is possible. His hard work ethic and well roundedness has rubbed off on me a bit. He has inspired me to become the best I can be. There have been times when I have been feeling down and out of inspiration, I could talk to him about it, easily, and he would have me feeling great again. He shared with me his story of his high school state championship match. He was down 10 points will only a period left, and he came back to win it all. He shows that anything is possible with hard work and determination.

There was a certain time, the summer after my freshmen year, when he really motivated me to become who I am. I was a district qualifier the year before and I was looking to improve to make it to the state tournament. I had just gone to an intensive, week long training camp at The Ohio State University. I loved it. But, the first few days back at my house were rough. I was just having a rough time with my brothers and parents and I was feeling a bit upset with everyone and everything at that point. Luckily, after a few days, I saw coach at open mats and we got to talk. Finally, I had someone to release all my built up tension to, and it felt great. I told him that I just wanted to go back to Ohio State and keep working and wrestling hard. And what he said next is what really hit me hard and changed me. He said "why don't you work hard and maybe you will get a scholarship to go back there." That just made my day, my summer, and my year! I realized that that was so possible. It really motivated me in everything I did from then on. I used his technique about making individual small goals. I posted pictures of my goals on my room, and wrote my goals on cards and put them in my car, my locker, even beside my bed. They motivated me and shaped me into who I am today. I work hard for my goals and I know that anything is possible

Even though I did not end up getting a scholarship, I still reached many of my goals and priorities with his help. I kept a 4.0 grade point average all through high school, I became a 3 time state qualifier and a 2 time state placers in wrestling, and I have reached many other high points, modeling myself after him. He has had a very positive influence in my life.

any suggestions?
Tell us about a person who has influenced you in a significant way is the prompt
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