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Posts by ArunPrasad
Joined: Jan 29, 2012
Last Post: Jan 29, 2012
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Jan 29, 2012
Graduate / Often it is in our teenage that we learn to express ourselves completely. Pure reason essay [2]

I have completed Mechanical Engineering from SASTRA Univ in India. I have been working as a software engineer in TCS. i want to apply for digital media technology as it was my dream to learn animation and CG etc. Please help me with the essay.

Pursue Reason :
State (Please enter not more than 1000 characters; Do not use the symbol " & ~) why you wish to pursue this programme and how you would use the knowledge you gain from it in practice (A separate statement of support from your employer would be useful)

Often it is in our teenage that we learn to express ourselves completely. Rarely exposed to digital art forms, I was not aware about expression through a digital medium. The only digital art form I had exposure to was computer games. But I had not come to realize then that a game required the technical skills and creative expression of thought. That I only realized during my engineering days where I developed strong liking for simulation and design. I also used this time to learn digital film making. I was successful in creating three short films. Here I understood that film making had its limitations when it came to expressing oneself completely. It was then that I took initiative in learning animation and computer graphics. I began to explore open source software's like Blender. I learnt that basics of animation were in a way similar to CAD drawing in mechanical engineering. My job in TCS helped me learn and understand programming. My aspiration to express my self digitally only got higher. I would be elated if I get a chance to learn at your esteemed university.

I would use the knowledge gained to pursue my career in animation. I hope to creatively and technically express myself through any digital form.

Please give me your honest feedback. Is this any good?
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