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Posts by gogonhan
Joined: Mar 2, 2012
Last Post: Mar 2, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Mar 2, 2012
Undergraduate / My Journey to ABC College [2]

Hello, I am studying English, and trying to improve my writing. Please help me to correct my essay. Thank you!


Within a month of landing in the USA, I started to go to high school at eleventh grade. It was my first time sitting in a place with many people speaking different languages. I remembered my first class was World History. I felt like an outcast or an alien from an unknown place in that class because my classmates just viewed me as a strange Asian boy with a British accent who immigrated from Africa. I thought American was friendly from what I had studied and known. I was almost disappointed. Actually, I had some Vietnamese friends who could help me to integrate into America, but I was wrong because they never told me anything about America. I had asked them, but it seemed they did not want to tell me anything. I had done almost everything in Vietnamese. I spoke, read, wrote and listened in Vietnamese everywhere although living in the USA. I gave up and could not improve my English enough to communicate with American. One day I had read a book, of course it was Vietnamese, it was about communication. It said, "You should not wait for people to come to make friends, and if you want to have friends, you should be the first person communicate with other people, go and get your chances." It was not easy as I thought. Talking with somebody in their language, but I know nothing how to start it was really difficult. I made up an idea. I wrote to one of my classmates a small sentence, "Please help me speak English." She looked at me and smiled like a friend. She started talking to me and helping me to pronoun word by word although I did not understand at all. She introduced me to other American, so I had American friends and talked to them in English. Although it was not much, but it still helped me feel more comfortable to talking to American. The time I started to communicate with my American classmates was only 3 months before we graduated. I realized I had to start again in college. Even though I had passed the placement test to start at English 908 in college, I decided to study from ESL to make sure my basic English was enough to start at a high level. I might take a long way to success my life, but all I wanted was each of steps in my life could be strong to help me stand every time I fell.
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