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Mar 11, 2012
Writing Feedback / Enjoying a Job Rather Than Earning Money [3]

Hi, this is the first time using EssayForum. I will be very appreciated if you can review my essay.
Thank you.

Many people choose a job with a high income these days. They think that they will be happy if they earn a lot of money. It is a very simple idea. They think that money is happiness, but there are things that you can't buy with money. It may be a classical proverb, but it is true and this is why it is classical. If you look around you, you can easily see many unhappy people who are very rich, but you can be happy without money. Of course money makes our life more comfortable, but we need money just to sustain life while happiness is what we life for. So, it can be said that it is more important to work at a job that you enjoy than it is to earn a lot of money.

An ancient Chinese proverb says: 'Find a job you enjoy doing and you will not have to work a day in your life'. If you choose a job that you enjoy, you won't even feel like you are working. Living without working doesn't sound perfect? It seems like it is a little optimistic, but it is possible, if you choose the job you like, instead of the ones that you can make more money.

One certainty is that money is also important and it can make you happy. You can do what you want such as travelling, shopping. Moreover, you can be healthier by being able to go the best hospitals. These things make all of us happy. You think that there is no reason to be unhappy and nothing can ruin your happiness because you can overcome everything with your money, but you are wrong. A little feeling of hatred for something that you have to do everyday can change everything. Even you have ten reasons to be happy and one thing that makes you stressed, then your happiness for the other things means nothing to you because you are always annoyed by this little thing. Think that you are working in a job with a high income, but you hate your boss and you even don't like the job. How long can you stand it? You will not be unhappy and stressed just while you are working; it will influence your daily life, but you have to keep working because it is your source of money. You can be unhappy because of the job you work in to earn money that you think it will make you happy.

If you love your job, you will earn more money. This is because if you work in a job that you enjoy, you will work and endeavor more than you have to, and it will bring you success. When you are one of the best and very successful in your job, you will earn money inevitably. You will also be happy and the results you have, will satisfy you. Even you are in a bad financial situation, you will have the motivation to go to the work because you love your job.

There are positive and negative points in a job you like or you earn more money. However, to be able to choose your job is also important. For example if you don't have any chance except studying politics with a full scholarship and being a banker because of your family's financial problems, then you can't say that you won't go to a university and will play in a band because you don't care your mother's operation which is very expensive. In this case, you should try to love your job you are doing rather than looking for a job that you would enjoy doing. If you have a chance to choose your job, then choosing a job that you enjoy and also can earn money, is more logical than working in a job you really love but with a very low income.

In the conclusion, it can be said that enjoying a job is more important than earning money. It would be perfect if we can find a job we enjoy and learn a lot of money from it. Enjoying yourselves, is depends to you. You can find enjoyment anywhere if you really want to, but if we can choose only one or the other, I would definitely choose the one I can enjoy. Enjoying a job, is more important than earning a lot of money.
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