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Posts by sarabean718
Joined: Mar 15, 2012
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Mar 15, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'Medical advances are growing faster' - Evaluation Essay [2]

Could someone please read my paper and proofread it! I haven't been doing so well with my grammar and sentence structure!

Medical advances are growing faster each day, but we are growing more unhealthy as a nation in every way possible. The current top three causes of death in America are heart disease, cancer, and stroke. For every three Americans two are overweight. Also type 2 diabetes is exploding among the nation. All of these illnesses require at least one thing, prescription drugs. These drugs along with possible operations and constant routine check-ups, cause your health care costs to skyrocket (Anonymous). A plant-based diet is the healthiest diet to avoid these problems because of its balanced nutrition, prevention of disease, and effortless weight loss.

To become healthier we need to drastically decrease the animal products and increase the amount of vegetables and whole foods we eat; this will balance our nutrition. To obtain a balanced nutrition we should have a balance between our energy and nutrient sources.

Our source of energy comes from proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Currently Americans consume twice the amount of these energy sources than is necessary for a healthy diet. Protein is the top culprit with the majority of that coming from red meat, which is high in cholesterol along with saturated fat (Weston). Protein is essential for the body to grow and repair muscle and other tissues. But protein can be found in many other foods than meat, including whole-grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and fruit. Plant-based, whole foods also provide our body with carbohydrates, giving us our main source of energy to get though the day. But they do not contain too many carbohydrates that won't be used then turning into fat. This is why a plant-based diet is healthier than the Atkins Diet- which pushes meat and protein but restricts carbohydrates- you get to eat a healthy amount of both.

The nutrients our bodies need comes from vitamins, water, and roughage. These nutrients are what most of our current diets lack. The proper amount of vitamins are needed for the important roles they play in the chemical processes throughout the body. Instead of drinking cow's milk which contains minimal vitamins, substitute it for almond milk. Almond milk contains just as much calcium as cow's milk, with less fat and no cholesterol, and is included in the plant-based diet. But the best part is that it even contains Vitamin A and iron. Water is essential to normal body functions, needed to carry nutrients to our cells and flush toxins out of vital organs. Everyday some of your water supply is lost, and needs to be replenished with about 64 ounces of water each day. You can take in more water if you cut out the soft drinks and energy drinks not included in the diet. Roughage is the fiber and whole grains essential for our diet for the overall health of our digestive system. Roughage is found in your fruits, vegetables, gains and nuts (Richards). This is better than the South Beach Diet which goes through stages to reduce your carbohydrates, one of these stages includes cutting out fruits, one of your leading sources of vitamins and roughage.

In the late 1960's, Dr. Campbell, a nutritional scientist at Cornell University, discovered while in the Philippines that the country's wealthier population, which consumed high amounts of animal-based foods, had a greater risk for liver cancer than members of the poorer population. Dr. Esselstyn, a world class surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, noticed that many of the diseases his patients had were unheard of in areas of the world where animal-based foods are scarcely consumed. These two doctors-who were unaware of each other-met and conducted several extensive studies of individuals and their diets. One of these studies was conducted in China; the results showed that degenerative diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and several forms of cancer could consistently be prevented or reversed by embracing a plant-based, whole food diet (Anonymous).

These are not just some research statistics, they have actually changed people's lives, reversed their diseases, and have even gotten them off their medications. President Bill Clinton switched to the plant-based diet after heart surgery, and now all of the arteries around his heart are cleared and the calcium deposit around his heart has broken up. SanDera Nation who before she switched to this plant-based diet had diabetes, high blood pressure, and was obese. From this diet she has reversed all of these health concerns, along with no longer having to take multiple prescription pills everyday.

On a plant-based, whole foods diet there is no need to count calories; you can eat all of foods included in the diet you want-since you can't have dairy, eggs, artificial sweeteners, and just about anything that has a chemical you can't pronounce. Research shows that adults who follow a this diet are generally leaner than those who don't. This may be because this diet includes less saturated fat and emphasizes more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant-based proteins - which are more filling and less calorie dense. This is a healthier diet for losing weight than extreme diets, such as the Lemonade Diet, where you cut out all solid foods aside from lemonade to see drastic results in two weeks. Although much of your weight loss will come from dieting, it is still advised for individuals to put in an hour of exercise a day. This is also beneficial because exercise has been shown to improve these conditions: heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis (Zelman). Also if you were to follow an extreme diet you are not advised to preform any physical activity, making it impossible to improve any condition you may currently have.

Plant-based, whole foods may be more expensive than buying processed foods and animal products, but the savings are still greater than having to pay the health care bills for your pills, routine check ups, and operations. Anyone that wants to get off of medications and have a healthier longer life, should switch to a plant-based, whole food diet. Yes this diet is extreme, but it's less extreme than undergoing heart surgery and having your chest broken open or taking countless pills everyday.
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