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Posts by dens2012
Joined: Mar 22, 2012
Last Post: Mar 24, 2012
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From: Dominican Republic

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Mar 22, 2012
Undergraduate / 'pleasing to the eye and interesting to the viewer' - graphic design admission [3]

any help will be appreciated , im not very fluent m ive done an effort thanks

Why you are choosing web/design/graphic design as your major and what some of your educational and career goals are.
My interest in visual art began when I realized I can use illustrations to express myself.
Starting from my childhood, during 6th grade I developed a keen interest to graphic design. I was around 12 years old when a group of friends and I had a so called "friends club" where we gathered after school we played , did homework together and that sort of things , I came up with the idea of making a logo to personalize the groups and why not a website where we would exchange ideas, upload pictures and information about the members, I was in charge of making it , this was my first time doing such thing ,soon enough I was fascinated , intrigued by all that is possible to express through art. My interest increased when I realized you could use illustrations to say anything. Working on the site was a great opportunity to learn about Photoshop and the Internet. I came upon online tutorials and learned about the individual tools in Photoshop and how to make certain effects. This experience not only gave me valuable knowledge, but also strengthened my interest in graphic design. I continued reading books, and started investigating all about it, at my young age it was quite uncommon. Since then I knew I couldn't do anything else, but work in a field that I love and admire. This moment made me want to do something creative with my life.

By the time I got to highschool, every time I had a spare time I would spend it learning new things , I read Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: Next Generation Web Standards by Christopher Murphy which for most of my friends it was just a long boring book but I could spent hours reading I definitely realized there was something behind all this . When any of my friend or family had to make a website , logo , flyer I would immediately create an idea and try my best to develop it by this way I ended up doing lots of favors and projects to friends just because I liked it completely and the people seemed to like what they saw and that motived me to be better.

I wanted to make a difference helping out people with computer troubleshooting. I made a web site where I shared all my knowledge I had about Linux Operative System to help people deal problems related to that platform that's when in I opened my first big website in Octuber 29, 2008 called --- it helped people step by step ,it had a great number of visits but most importantly I was doing what I enjoyed the most.

By 2010 I took things a bit more serious and I started getting better using programs like Flash, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver and After Effects. . I religiously followed design blogs and publications, where new ideas and topics are discussed along with the most up to date design trends .It was exciting , my passion for graphic design was everyday getting bigger.

One of my biggest projects was creating the website to my school back in Dominican Republic, I created the logo sign , stickers, flyers all that had to do with design. This was a big year for me I created the site for my uncle's company called Dominican's Architects and Engineers "Inardosa" it was a 4 month project I gained experience in working with a group of people in a known yet established company, my cousin which worked with me along the process saw my motivation and helped me gather a plan for my dreams of being a web design were possible.

Graphic Design is not offered as a bachelor's degree in Dominican Republic, but as a course, and it was not equipped with the necessary technology, I was not happy with the options available in my home country, so I decided to pursue my goals in the United States. This is how the reason why I moved to Florida in search of my dreams.

My quest as a graphic designer is to create something that is pleasing to the eye, and gets the attention of the viewer. But things can't just look nice. They have to work as well. With being part of this institution I feel like I will have more opportunities on being successful. I am ready to put my creative mind to use, that's why I have chosen to further my education at the Arts College .The learning will be my responsibility and I have no problem in working hard in towards reaching my goal and understanding the interdependence of technology, media in a global society. Challenging myself is a part of my personality.
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