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Posts by Sharavi
Joined: May 8, 2012
Last Post: May 9, 2012
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From: Sri Lanka

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May 8, 2012
Writing Feedback / Essay on "We don't see, though we look! We don't hear, though we listen! ............ [3]

We don't see, though we look!
We don't hear, though we listen! ...Why?

Once, my thoughts were hovering far-far away thinking about what poets said that eyes and ears construct a window or a pathway to the soul. At the end of my assuming, I realized that, it defines something more than that in what we see or hear! While, we seeing or hearing a common situation in a phenomenon, poets saw utmost truth and its intact residue. We see or hear the superficial fact of an occurrence only. Why don't people see or hear the entire phenomenon with which isn't manifest? To bear this out of an eye of religious conviction, first, let me direct you to what scientists have said about the sight and the hearing.

You know that eyes are the organs of vision and ears of hearing. When we close our eyes, we cannot see and when we open them, the entire world is there to be explored. You may know, our eyes do not see. But they are the medium, through which we can see and look. The rays of light enter our eyes and hit the lens present in the eye. These rays then excite the nerves, which carry messages to the brain. The brain then understands what the eye is trying to convey and sees the object that the eye was looking at. Similarly, we can see different colors, darkness and brightness. By varying the intensity of rays that fall on the eye, we can make out the different colors. Likewise, we hear with the help of our ears. The sound produced is carried in the form of a wave to the ear and hits the eardrum (That small curtain-like structure that separates the inner ear from the outer ear). The eardrum vibrates and transmits impulses to the nerves and sends the message to the brain. The brain understands these impulses and hears what was said. When these organisms scientifically implement in the human body, it appears the fact that we want to sense.

On one hand, it would be correct. We see what we really want to see. We hear what we really want to hear. When the disciples ask, that, why does Jesus use parables when he speaks to people; Jesus answers by mentioning that the knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to them and not to other people and as they do not understand, although pay attention to what they look at or listen to, I uses parables. They are Jesus' words. Consequently, when, people were poor in understanding, Jesus used parables. So, he found some creative way of conveying messages of his father, almighty Gods'. Here, my point is not to show how to understand parables, skills and talents or how God blesses us giving treasure for our living. I really want to draw your attention to the fact that we don't see and hear, while being on it.

I think that we should see and hear not only the things we really want, but also the things we don't. Thus, what are unwanted? Are they really redundant? In reality, there aren't any unwanted. To all of us what is against the commandments is unwanted. If we noticeably perceive the disparity in between good and bad there couldn't be anything unwanted in what we see and hear. Because, as men and women of God, we look at and listen to what pleased to God only. In this respect, no one can find any unwanted matter. People of devil, however will see or hear neither wanted nor unwanted stuff. There they see and hear distortion activities and contemptible entertainment only. However, this statement will apply only to the people who see themselves as saint or clean-handed. As a matter of fact there is no difference among them and devil-inspired people. Why do we have to say this? Here begins the fact that I want to make clear.

As I've mentioned earlier, people see and hear what they really want to be seen and heard only. This has been proved by scientists too. But, isn't it important the things we do not see or hear in the same occurrence? Actually, here's the situation where our egocentricity, emptiness emerge. For instance, when Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, a father had been running in search of his little son. While he was running didn't he see other little ones? However, as a two-sided coin, we find the emotions of that father too. Without looking at the negative at all, it's my duty to mention, there were people who saved others' lives. Thus, take another small example. In a crowded bus, why couldn't people see ladies or mothers find sexual molestation? Why couldn't people see devil-driven murderers' killings? Why can't people see, our politicians' smuggling? Why didn't people hear or see that his neighbor's pain? Why didn't people hear all crimes of the society? Keeping all that apart, find that why don't people see and hear their own fault? Why do they see and hear its neighbors' faults every day? This is where that we must start thinking.

There must be 3 reasons for not to be seen or heard. What category that you are in?
1. You dumb and blind
2. You see, hear but remain silence
3. You wish for nothing which beyond your own comfortable life
There are some other fair reasons for being not seen and heard. For instance, let me tell you about something which I had to face recently. I was walking along a crowded road and I saw one of my best friends was coming towards me. I thought that he was trying to talk with me. Though he was on the other side of the road, I saw that he looked at me and walked passed me without talking, or stopping. I was very up set, as people near by saw me that I waited and tried to talk with him. I couldn't believe he could do that. After a couple of days I met him at the same place and talk with me. I too spoke with him without any hesitation. The story he unfolded to me was pathetic. The day I met him earlier was the day when an unhappy incident took place. Then only, I could realize he had not seen me on that day. He had just overlooked me thinking about the incident. After a couple of months when I told him what he had done, he told me he had never done such a thing. This is natural. More often you may have come across with same incidents. When, people are on highly stressed, this type of mistakes occurs. But, the reason for sorrow people use this type of mistakes as a trick to show that they are saint or not guilty. Hastiness, contingency, physical or mental pain, abounding busyness and above mention examples etc. would be the fair reasons for not to be seen or heard. But, what can we do, when people misuse them as for their salvation!
May 9, 2012
Writing Feedback / Essay on "We don't see, though we look! We don't hear, though we listen! ............ [3]

Dear leah.
Thanks for your comments and appreciation. But, have to tell you frankly that I'm not perfect in grammar as you think.Sometimes, I couldn't see grammar errors until my students point out them.Even I could see several errors there in the essay. I expected someone may corrected them. Anyway I try my best to help you with your grammar!

Ravi Ranasinghe
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