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Posts by Sorena
Joined: Jul 25, 2012
Last Post: Jul 25, 2012
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From: canada

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Jul 25, 2012
Essays / Support or refute a statement using Life of Pi and Hamlet [2]

Assignment: Support or refute the statement below within your essay using Life of Pi and Hamlet . In your essay, you must integrate and properly cite quotations into each of your arguments (one argument per text) for textual support.

"Sometimes survival is a matter of acting; sometimes it is a matter of not-acting."

Notes: This is for a Grade 12 English essay. It's supposed to be a 5 paragraph essay (introduction 1, content 3, conclusion 1).

My problem: I'm having difficulty thinking of quotes for Life of Pi and Hamlet to support the statement. Two quotes max for each text is best. Also I'm not really sure what to write for a thesis.

Any help is appreciated.
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