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Posts by soccerislife
Joined: Aug 10, 2012
Last Post: Aug 10, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Aug 10, 2012
Undergraduate / 'so special and welcoming' - Why did you choose to apply to UCF? [3]

Why did you choose to apply to UCF?

This past January I went on a college tour around Florida. I was anxious to get my first real taste of what college was all about. The first few universities never really captured my interest but when our bus rolled up to UCF I was in awe. As soon as I stepped off that bus and took in my surroundings I just felt this aura of belonging engulf me. I was mesmerized. The first thing that caught my eye was the huge fountain in the middle of the University and I saw that students were lounging on the grass around the fountain and socializing with their friends. It seemed like such a relaxed and calm environment. I immediately had this urge to be one of them, studying by the fountain while sprawled out on a towel because the environment seemed very conducive to studying. Just taking in the soothing sounds of the fountain and laying out in the Florida sun sounded like a perfect day to me. The academic opportunities are endless and I know I can reach my full potential here. I am interested in going into a Health profession, such as Pharmacy, and the Health Sciences Pre-Clinical Program at UCF will help me prepare for this by providing all the foundation courses. I never wanted the tour to end and after that no university even compared to UCF. There is just something indescribable about UCF that makes it so special and welcoming. I knew from that day on that I would do whatever it takes to get accepted into this exemplary university.

Any feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
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