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Posts by Trishishness
Joined: Aug 11, 2012
Last Post: Aug 11, 2012
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Aug 11, 2012
Undergraduate / 'the Greek goddess Nike' - First University Admission Essay EVER [2]

This is a major-specific essay where it asks me to describe an experience where instruction in the area of art history for me or a personal interaction with an object, image or space effected my change in thinking. And it asks what I did to act upon my new thinking and what I have done to prepare myself for further study in this area.

Where as personal interaction with objects, images and spaces can sometimes be so powerful as to change the way one thinks about particular issues or topics. And I am not aware of a desired word amount..

This is my first essay like this ever and I don't even know if I'm actually answering the questions.. Pease Help :( Thank you!

I would like to say that I was one of the kids that somehow knew what they loved and would like to do with their lives at a younger age, but the vast majority of us these days don't seen to be so lucky. Although I had my fair share of inklings and interests growing up, it has taken me my high school and college years to come as close as I am now to finding what inspires me and what I want to passionately learn about.

Ever since I was younger and in grade school, my mother would take me for drives. We lived in east Austin but would venture west all throughout the Windsor and Enfield neighborhoods here in Austin, as well as around Mount Bonnell. These years and these drives are when I fell in love with architecture. I absolutely loved all of the old, the historical, and even the modern homes. I began to carry a camera with me on these drives and collected many pictures to which I would gawk at when I was at home until our next adventure out. Now that I am older and have a car of my own, I myself, love to drive. I still drive around to those same areas as well as many different other neighborhoods in search of gorgeous and timeless homes.

Growing up I played with the ideas of becoming a photographer for Architectural Digest or real estate magazines, or if I even wanted to become an architect myself. It wasn't until the fall of 2008 that I took my first Art History class as my visual and performing arts credit at Austin Community College, and it was then that I fell in love with the Roman and Greek styles of art and architecture. It was one of my two favorite classes I have ever taken; I was so fascinated with everything I was learning and I couldn't wait to learn more. From architecture such as the Parthenon in Athens, Greece to Roman sculptures such as Laocoon and His Sons, these inspiring pieces contain such an enormous amount of detail that cannot be forgotten or lost. My thoughts now are that I want to pursue a career in the preservation and restoration of such timeless pieces as these.

Upon realizing my career interest, I now wish to pursue a major in art history at the University of Texas in Austin with a minor in chemistry; my second favorite class I have ever taken. I hope to combine and utilize these fields of study in order to lead myself to a career that will not only surround me in this ancient world but one in which I will also be able to help keep their beauty alive and true so that generations to come could still enjoy them. In the time prior to completing a degree, I would enjoy working as a volunteer or an intern at a museum; anything that could possibly give me further experience and insight to bring me closer to succeeding in my goals.

There is one piece in particular that inspires me the most and that is of the Greek goddess Nike who represents victory. This sculpture is deemed the Winged Victory of Samothrance and commemorates a naval victory around 290 BC. Throughout my education at the University of Texas at Austin, I intend to persevere through any challenges that may come my way and experiment as much as I can in the field of art history, and I hope that one day Nike of Samothrance will too symbolize my personal victories.
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