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Posts by kogikothe
Joined: Aug 15, 2012
Last Post: Aug 15, 2012
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From: Viet Nam

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Aug 15, 2012
Writing Feedback / IELTS essay: The suggestion for save forest! [2]

Hi, This's the first time I have posted a thread.
Thanks for your advance!
Request you to please check my essay and correct it. Any suggestions appreciated.

The forests have been destroyed so serious.What suggestion do you have to improve this situation?

Nowadays, the environment is seriously damaged. It's the consequence of industrial development. That leads to destruction of ecosystems and climate-imbalance. Forest is one of the most ecosystems that are devastated.

Forest is considered as green lung of Earth, tree creates oxigen by photosynthesis, the origin of life. It's also the house of many animals. But now, section of forest has narrowed day by day. This's the consequence of population exploration and heavy industry growth. Human exploit woods but not give back.

The conservation of forest is very important. We should restrict the use of timber products, saving energy... and particular we have to increase human consciousness. We must accuse and oppose the actions which destroy forest. Beside, we have to plant trees on the bald hill...

Therefore, you and me, we have a responsibility to forest. Save forest, save your life!
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