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Posts by girishsuri27
Joined: Sep 10, 2012
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Sep 10, 2012
Graduate / 'Doctoral study at a distinguished school' - My SOP - PhD. (Mechanical Engineering) [4]

Hi guys,
This is my first time writing a SOP for PhD. admission.
I am Girish Suri studying MS at University of Florida in Mechanical Engineering. I am applying for PhD admission in Alternative Energy devices, MEMS, Energy harvesting devices, Controls, Dynamical systems.

Please help me in evaluating my SOP.
Girish Suri
Here is my SOP:

"An optimist will tell you the glass is half-full; the pessimist, half-empty; and the engineer will tell you the glass is twice the size it needs to be". This maxim has always been the driving force and inspiration for me to pursue engineering as a career.

Right from my child hood, I was inquisitive about the working of machines like automobiles, bicycle, Refrigerator and air conditioner. The curiosity to know how they work kindled a penchant to pursue Mechanical Engineering.My strenuous efforts won me a high rank in the most competitive All India Engineering Entrance Examination which granted me an admission to Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), one of India's eminent Engineering Institution.

As an undergraduate student in the department of Mechanical Engineering, I was always a sincere, inquisitive and hardworking student. The rigorous undergraduate curriculum at MNNIT, with courses like Strength of Materials, Internal Combustion Engines, Theory of Machines, Mechanical System Design, Advanced Machining Process and Automatic Control emphasized laboratory work and independent study. My Cumulative Performance Index (8.8/10) for undergraduate courses coupled with the distinction of scoring Semester Performance Index (10/10) positioned me among the top 5 students of my engineering coursework. The immense competition made me capable of handling pressure situations and maintaining my superb academic record.

In my school I have worked on several short research projects. I was awarded as one of the best undergraduate research for my work on PID Control System modelling of a Bus Suspension System using MATLABï Simulinkï. The suspension design data was used from a commercially available Bus and modeling was done using classic control theory. The controller gains were modified to achieve the target system response. The stability of the system was studied through root locus plots and the frequency response was studied using bode plot.

To work more into the instrumentation and controls area I secured an opportunity to do summer Internship at Advanced Manufacturing Science Lab in Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India's premier research Institution. Here, I had an invaluable opportunity to develop the instrumentation for controlling the flow of fluid, vertical motion of the piston and rotation of the cylinder in machine setup to accomplish nano level surface finishing using Magneto Rheological Abrasive Flow Finishing process that fostered a strong research potential in myself. My senior year thesis on 'Mathematical Modelling of Centralized Air Conditioning and Air Cooling System' aimed at development of an economical and energy efficient bi-functional system. The focus of this thesis was to develop simple mathematical models for various mechanical components required for designing the whole building HVAC system. The thermal load modelling, accounting for peak and low energy demands was developed based on the heat transfer effects due to conduction, convection and radiation and the simulations were run on an application developed using Visual C++.

My long term career goal is to become an educationist that sparked in me when I taught when I joined the 'Mukti Organization' and taught illiterate mess workers. Embarking on a research and educations career certainly requires a lot of preparation and I feel that I will not be found lacking in it. After my graduation, I worked as an Automotive Engineer in Research and Development division of Maruti Suzuki India Limited, the leading automotive manufacturer in India. I worked for one year in Performance Chassis Dynamometer Lab on experimental evaluation of vehicle performance and developed MATLABï scripts for data logging and analysis. After this I worked for one year in 'Simulation of Vehicle Power train Performance' using AVL Cruise. Based on my performance, I was selected for training on AVL Cruise at AVL Graz, Austria where I developed the tire dynamic model & vehicle rolling resistance model, worked on experimentation and validation of the model and studied the impact of different tires on vehicle performance. My impeccable performance, commitment to work, and resourceful thinking has always impressed my seniors at work and thus, I was honoured with an achievement award.

After working for two years, I decided to go back to school for graduate studies at University of Florida in MS program. Since graduate studies require consistent hard work and intelligence, I have maintained my CGPA of 3.89/4.00. With the intent to associate myself with diverse research areas I joined the lab of Dr. William E. Lear, who is doing extensive research in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells for portable devices. Since alternative energy power devices has always excited me, so I took up a challenge and joined him as research assistant. Here I have been working on development and experimentation of gas liquid separator device. I started working on instrumentation and control of test rig using LabViewï, calibrated the pressure sensors, thermocouples, developed controls for CO2 mass flow controller & DI water pump and connected NI DAQ with various sensors for data acquisition. Currently, I have been performing experimentation of PTFE membrane based CO2 separation from water through a channel of 1mm depth. I have experimentally tested the membranes for CO2 separation efficiency and water loss rate estimation through membrane.

Having explored some of the diverse aspects of Mechanical Engineering, I find myself deeply interested in pursuing doctoral research in one of the areas of Advanced Energy devices, MEMS, Controls, Alternative vehicle propulsion systems, micro-power generation, Internal Combustion Engines, Smart Materials and Structures. In course of keeping myself with the research activities in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore and reading the research publications available through the web pages of the faculty members, I got fascinated with the research activities of a number of researchers. In particular, I found my future research interests are extremely well aligned with that of Prof. ABC in the area of 123, Prof. GHI, Prof. JKL & Prof. MNO in the area of 456, Prof. PQR & Prof. STU in the area of 789, Prof. VWX in the area of 987, Prof. YZA & Prof. BCD in the area of 654, Prof. EFG & Prof. HIJ in the area of 321 and 123, Prof. KLM in the area of 456. While an opportunity to work with any of these researchers will be a privilege for me, I am open to explore other newer realms within the framework of my general interest in Advanced Energy devices, MEMS, Controls, Alternative vehicle propulsion systems, micro-power generation, Internal Combustion Engines.

Doctoral study at a distinguished school is the starting point for any form of structured research. With my strong foundation in the basics of Mechanical Engineering, I am convinced that the fine graduate program of your university, guidance from the finest faculty, the state-of-the-art facilities and the learning atmosphere will prepare me perfectly to undertake independent research in future. I humbly recognize that a person choosing to do a PhD should possess sufficient motivation, dedication, ingenuity, intelligence and at moments, flashes of insight. With most of these qualities not lacking in me, I hope to carry forward the mission of your institution by maintaining high standards of excellence, and to fulfil my personal goals of becoming a successful researcher and teacher. I am very excited about the opportunities at Energy and Bio Thermal Systems Laboratory and want to do my doctoral studies with Dr. P.S. Lee. I wish to participate in the Institute's research activity with zeal and ingenuity.

I, therefore, submit my application and request you to consider me for admission at your prestigious institution with full financial assistance.
Girish Suri
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