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Posts by verdikt
Joined: Sep 14, 2012
Last Post: Sep 14, 2012
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From: United Arab Emirates

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Sep 14, 2012
Scholarship / I have learnt to deal with challenging problems ; Why I deserve a scholarship ? [NEW]

Renowned roboticist Rodney Brookes once claimed that he could imagine a world being populated with robots in the near-future. He mentioned a desiring need to build more machines which think, act and work just like us due to the fact that we ourselves are basic rudimentary machines, as taught by biochemistry.

This intrinsic idea is what initially attracted me to mechatronics. Ever since I've been a little boy, I was always attracted to machines that have helped us gain an easier lifestyle. However, as the years have gone by, I was amazed by how something as simple as the vacuum cleaner are now being replaced by robotic cleaners, which makes use of sensors to detect obstacles and thus eliminate the need for the presence of a human. A pinch of curiosity and hours of research made me discover that such a field does exist, which combines different disciplines of engineering to form one main expertise responsible for this all.

Through my academic experiences at ________________________, I have learnt to deal with challenging problems and become a very effective leader. My infatuation with Mathematics and Physics made me tackle comprehensive exercises and thus attained me a high 'A' grade for both of these subjects in my GCE A Levels. Being enthusiastically engrossed behind the mechanics of objects had also made me one of the top scorers in my Mathematics class, where I constantly battled each problematic sum for days until it was eventually solved. During my senior years, I've also contributed to Community Service, where I ensured the reputation of our school was upheld by cleaning the school and helping out with administrative work. Taking an active part in our school's localised gavel club has also made me a strong public speaker, where I have learnt to become unafraid to express myself and have strived to become an effective speaker.

Apart from academics, I actively embrace towards creativity, which is very much sought after in Mechatronics. Through excessive motivation and a quick approach behind understanding how things work, I have efficiently self-learnt musical instruments like the keyboard and the guitar, which has strived to teach me that innovation of even something as simple as a song can bring extraordinary amounts of marvels and wonders.

However, in an ever-changing economy, it becomes increasingly hard for an international student to support for tuition. As the course requires a huge sum of money, it would be a rather more difficult task to accomplish until I complete my graduation here in Australia. My academic qualifications were judged on the basis of British curriculum activities adopted to suit Middle Eastern standards, but given an opportunity, I can be an outstanding engineer.

As the modernised world adopts to more technological advancements, thanks to the prevailment of the ever-booming field of Mechatronics, I strongly believe that I can be part of that change. Whilst the fear of an inevitable robotic invasion (famously depicted by sci-fi movies) keeps diminishing, I personally believe that robots can not only be used to help relieve modern lifestyle, but rather be used to save lives. Engineering prototypes which can replace the presence for humans in dangerous jobs such as in the military as well as in the industry has been one of my long-lived dreams, where I dream to work with many other inspiring engineers and resurface how poorly and unsafely technology is portrayed in my native country, India.

In conclusion, along with my pursuits and my aspirations of being an adequate engineer as well as my keen interests in innovation, I truly believe that I can flourish in a very competitive and internationally-appealing university such as the ___________________________.

PS: Thank you so much for reviewing it! :D
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