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Posts by pwincessssmaria
Joined: Sep 17, 2012
Last Post: Sep 17, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Sep 17, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Colombia and struggling father' - environment influenced who you are? [2]

Is this an appropriate length and details and etc... for this question?


My family's history has had an influence on the person who I am today. My families history has had a large part of the person who I am because both of my parents gave up everything they had in Colombia and moved to the U.S to find a better opportunity for my younger brother and I, My father comes from a struggling childhood, he didn't all the luxuries a normal child had. He wasn't able to go college and become a dentist like he dream of doing. He had to give it up to support his family when things got hard. The way my father talks about his childhood has influenced me on being confidence and motivated to be someone in the world. My father makes me want to push to strive for success.
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