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Posts by tky195
Joined: Sep 25, 2012
Last Post: Sep 26, 2012
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From: Myanmar

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Sep 26, 2012
Undergraduate / 'his cheerful and contented eyes'; My Father - he has made an impact on my life [2]

I have a person who is so confident and assured that he will never cease to accomplish my goal - to let his son be the best person. He has always filled my confidence with his best efforts, and has lifted me up with his relentless style.Leaving all of his ambitions and dreams, he sought to fulfill my hopes.

Since my childhood, he has been working as a businessman who works in a small company. I can still remember his cheerful and contented eyes after he comes from his wearying work with his same old suitcase, asking, "How do you do?" The fact that he never shows his exhausted face has always surprised me, and though we may be an ordinary family living in a small apartment room, our family is always distinguished by our everlasting love, strong support, and inspiriting courage.

It has always been my father that inspired me in many ways."You must never ever be a lazy and boring man,"he says whenever he tries to reprimand me.Since our family is from Myanmar, where most of the people "loiter" in tea shops or hang around chatting people,my father is really worried that I will be one of them.Instead of hoping things to become a "dream come true," you must "strive and struggle" to get what you want and so will you be successful.
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