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Posts by qaszxc
Joined: Sep 29, 2012
Last Post: Sep 29, 2012
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Sep 29, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Funny but good' - Favorite word and why essay "ugly" for UVA. [3]

The prompt is, what is your favorite word and why?
It'll be helpful if you guys could give me some feedback and and some ideas/input rather than correcting my grammar but everything (including grammar) is appreciated!

As my friends were approaching towards me, I yelled to them "hey ugly," without a second thought. They replied with, "shut up, you're uglier" but that did not phase me and, like always, made me smile. Most people's interpretation of the word ugly would generally be associated with a negative connotation. Instead, my friends and I find the word as a way to display our sibling like relationship. Ugly holds much more meaning than anyone could imagine. It is a more of a gateway to comfort than a word and can always brighten my mood.

I can just toss that word out there and let it juggle itself into a conversation. Ugly has multiple uses. It's a personal way to break awkward atmospheres and intentionally drain the seriousness of a conversation too. Throwing the word ugly usually ends up being like a boomerang, I throw a friendly insult and somehow the friendly insult comes back to me. The word itself is used as a playful tool that helps me build my friendliness towards my buddies.

Do not get me wrong or judge me unfairly. I do not consider myself ugly, actually I consider myself quite the opposite. I'm not advocating anyone to go out and call people ugly because that'll probably lead to a well deserved slap in the face. Ugly, the word, not the characteristic has become a part of me and my character.

And yes, I realized my word is ugly but I thought it would be a creative, different, and funny idea. My aim was to have a "funny but good" type of essay instead of the essays with the words like "commitment, capable." Thanks for all the help!
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