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Posts by nuroon
Joined: Oct 17, 2012
Last Post: Oct 17, 2012
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Oct 17, 2012
Writing Feedback / I want to improve my writing for IELTS exam.Kindly indicate my mistakes in the essay [2]

Food is necessary to provide nutritional support for our body. It contains important nutrients, such as fats, vitamins, proteins, or minerals. Every culture and country has its traditional cuisine. But, these days there is increasing trend of prepared and processed food, known as fast food. There is discussion these days whether traditional food is good or fast food. In my opinion, traditional food is better for our health because of many reasons.

Firstly, traditional food provide us adequate supply of nutrients. It make of our diet balanced because it prepared from fresh and hygienically cleaned ingredients. Whereas, fast food is prepared from processed and pre-cooked ingredients and that's why it contains less nutrients as compared to traditional food. Obesity is one of the many health related problems brought upon by fast food. USA, the major consumer country of fast food, is facing an imminent threat in the form of obesity and in many universities fast food is banned to overcome this problem

Secondly, traditional food is the way to keep cultural and traditional values in-tact. Many youngsters who like to eat fast food usually don't have proper knowledge of their traditions and culture. Also, it is an excellent way to ameliorate our social life. Traditional foods are integral part of social gatherings and enable us to increase of social links and associations.

In conclusion, I would say traditional food are good for our health and social life. Though, in some situations fast food is good to use such as , during long official meetings, or during journey. But. it should not be part of our daily diet and we should rely on traditional foods to keep ourselves healthy and smart.
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