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Posts by GrayGhost
Joined: Oct 21, 2012
Last Post: Oct 21, 2012
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Oct 21, 2012
Undergraduate / "Elaborate on extracurrilar actitivies" essay; I became aware of poverty at 7 [5]

I know you didn't ask for grammar help, but just in case you didn't notice:

or stock up canned goods to feed the hungry, I'm not just for something in return, but simply performing

"or stock up on canned goods to feed the hungry, and not just for something in return, but simply performing"

I like the essay, but maybe you should start with a short introduction about Key Club? The story/explanation at the beginning was good, but I found myself wondering how it was going to be relative to the extracurricular activities you we're involved with. It was a great hook, I just feel like the reader becomes lost while waiting to find out how the story ties in. Great work!
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