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Posts by jackrabbit420
Joined: Oct 26, 2012
Last Post: Oct 26, 2012
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Oct 26, 2012
Undergraduate / Why UChicago essay. is it good? is it bad? should I not bother applying? [2]

Question 1. How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.

Over the past 3 months my Mail inbox has been overwhelmed with countless emails from colleges and universities across the world. The situation has reached a point that now Mail in a seemingly random pattern automatically decides which college mail to send to spam and which to send to my inbox.

I generally used to read these emails during weekends when the relentless leash of the IB diploma programme eases a bit but the sheer number of emails really put me off from reading them.

Most of these mails talked about the number of astronauts whose Alma matter is the University of Utopia, the rest talked about how US news had ranked paradise college number 4 for its Marketing communication class in the South West Atlanta region. None of these however talked about something like the biggest scavenger hunt on Earth or Ludacris coming to campus for a concert like university of Chicago did.

Those emails really got to me. The next 3 Saturdays were spent searching more and more about UChicago. I like to think of myself as a creative, open-minded,*insert antonym of clichĂŠd here*, kind of a person and the more I looked into UChicago the more I realized that I was built for this university. UChicago extensively promotes creativity and out of the box thinking. I mean how many universities let you decide your own topic for the long admission essay? Or how many colleges make popular self-deprecating and incredibly clever humour like "Where fun comes to die"? The answer is none.

Things like the mandatory Phys-ed course are one of the reasons I absolutely love UChicago. I would never admit that I need to spend more time at the gym nor would I ever go running 100m sprints unless someone forces me too but I know im not in stellar shape and the fact that you need to have a certain level of physical fitness in order to graduate is what makes this school even more awesome. UChicago not only makes its students experts in their academic fields, but it also make them well-rounded humans and that is something I admire very deeply

All this easily propelled UChicago to the top of my list but my mother pretty much wiped the whole list clean after she made clear to me the fact that our entire family makes about $40K a year and my brother who already is in his 3th year of college takes away a good chunk of that to pay for his own tuition. UChicago was my dream and the hard realization that this dream would never come true was truly heart-breaking. I looked at some other options but all I could do when going through other universities websites was compare them with UChicago and realize how much I wouldn't fit there.

Then while checking out all the US news rankings I came upon this list called" 10 Colleges That Give the Most International Student Financial Aid". This list was safely tucked away in a corner, in fact it didn't even have a thumbnail. It's almost as if they didn't want me to see the list but after reading what was inside I became the happiest man alive. UChicago was ranked 6th in the US for giving most financial aid to international students The final hurdle in my dream to become a Chicagoan (assuming I get admitted of course) was gone and I happily told my mother "Chicago is back on!!"

I can't properly stress enough how perfect of a college UChicago is for me or I for it. I sincerely hope I have the chance to wear white and maroon next year and be able to participate in the worlds biggest scavenger hunt.
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